STAUNCH's 2014 Bulking Diet


Elite Juicer
Back to bulking, plan is to put more size on first by clean bulking and trying to build up my weak points. I will look at cutting sometime in the future. Looking for any adjustments I could possibly make to it, open to suggestions and ideas!

My maintenance is at 3000cal so I have adjusted my diet around and got it at 3500 calories total.

3500cal (500cal above maintenance) 35Pro/30Carb/30Fat
1240cal Protein (310g) / 1160cal Carb (290g) 1170cal Fat (130g)

Fasted AM cardio 1-3x a week, low intensity steady state for 30 mins with a few HIIT sessions also done fasted to keep things interesting.

Supplements are Creatine HCl 750mcg+Citrulline Malate 5g Pre-Workout. Not big on supplements, they are the only two I really use and IMO are amongst the few actual useful and proven (studied) supplements.

Meal 1: Pro/Carb 9:00am
8 Egg Whites, 125g Rolled Oats, 1 tbsp olive oil (on eggs)
40g Pro, 70g Carbs, 10g fat

Meal 2: Pro/Fat 11:00am
150g Chicken Breast (Cooked), Half Avocado + 50g Peanut Butter
45g Protein, 0g Carbs, 35g Fat,

Meal 3: Pro/Carb 1:00pm
150g Chicken Breast (Cooked), 250g Brown Rice (Cooked), Broccoli Pieces
45g Protein, 60g Carb, 10g Fat,

Meal 4: Pro/Carb 3:30pm (PRE WORKOUT MEAL)
125G Rolled Oats, 1 Small Can Tuna
20g Pro, 70g Carb, 5g Fat

Workout (4:30pm to 5:30pm)

Meal 5: PWO Pro/Carb 5:30pm
2 Scoops Whey Protein Blend + Banana (Yellow, not overly ripe)
50g Protein, 25g Carb, 5g Fat

Meal 6: PPWO Pro/Carb/Fat 6:30pm
200Gg Beef Steak (Weighed uncooked), 250g Brown Rice (Cooked), Broccoli Pieces
50g Protein, 60g carbs, 30g Fat

Meal 7: Pro/Fat (Before Bed) 9:30pm
2 Scoops of Whey Protein Blend in 250g Greek Yoghurt
60g Protein, 35g Fat
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Your starting to remind me of somebody else... Are u bulking or cutting? Blasting or cruising? U crazy kids lol
Oh man that all looks so good. What i wouldnt give to be on a bulk too lol. Alwell, couple more weeks then i can stuff my face again lol.

Since noone else has commented - i think your food choices look great bro, plenty of variety good tastes, all good sources of your macros. Macros looks good... Meal plan is tasty so easy to stick to. Beauty bro!
My bad meal 8 should be meal 7, was a typo.

Why cardio? Why not cardio? Keeps my ticker healthy... I'm not so concerned about cardio and weight loss, rather cardio for cardio endurance/health.

Yes I did start a cut but realised for what it's worth, I would be better off trying to slap on some more mass with a clean diet and THEN look at cutting. Don't get me wrong, it's not that I didn't want to cut, just realised and was told it there is a better way to go about this ;)

Cheers Prince, looking forward to it!
Well provided you are still above your maintenance not burning more than you are consuming I don't see how it can be counter productive in terms of putting mass on.
Just curious is all, because ppl have different opinions on cario while bulking.

Cardio can help maintain cardiovascular and respiratory health while bulking or cutting. If it eats into your calorie surplus too much than you either need to eat more or do less cardio. Opposite goes for cutting but for cutting it's much kore efficient to get the deficit from diet when possible since it requires a lot of activity for a relatively small amount of calories burned. It also builds your aerobic capacity. Also according to a few experts in the field, there is some evidence, slight evidence nothing definitive or cause and effect. That it may help keep fat oxidizing pathways open during a bulk which means you may be more primed to go on a cut after. Does this make that big a difference? Most likely not but I believe there is some research on it which should be interesting to see the results.
Sessions of low-moderate intensity no more than 3x a week do offer numerous benefits such as being a form of active recovery, maintaining metabolic conditioning and improving caloric partitioning (to an extent).

Personally, I think cardio is counter productive on a bulk in terms of offering nothing substantial for growth. I see it as a waste of calories that should be going towards muscle growth, which is the main goal.
He's on a TRT dose. He's not blasting currently. I doubt 2000cals above maintenance is a prudent choice.

I beg to differ, i have clients on TRT and i did similar for plenty of them, is.prudent, what you eat, you can add 2000 cal over maintence and not gain.much fat, anything will gain.some fst, thats gicen unless ur a kingbeastmode, but yes its plausable, i work with top trainers in.the country,.i.train with the top bodybuilders in the world, and i hold a strong rep as a personal trainer where i live! So yes it is prudent
I beg to differ, i have clients on TRT and i did similar for plenty of them, is.prudent, what you eat, you can add 2000 cal over maintence and not gain.much fat, anything will gain.some fst, thats gicen unless ur a kingbeastmode, but yes its plausable, i work with top trainers in.the country,.i.train with the top bodybuilders in the world, and i hold a strong rep as a personal trainer where i live! So yes it is prudent

How much muscle do you think can be built in a given amount of time? There's an upper limit and while hormones can push it higher, you need relatively high doses for that to happen. TRT does NOT increase his nutrient partitioning ratio enough to make use of all 2000cals of surplus. In fact after he reaches whatever his set in point of muscle gain is, any extra calories will go towards increasing fatty tissue stores solely. This is science and biology, it's determined by hormones and genetics, a TRT dose is not enough to alter these genetics enough to warrant your recommendation of a 2000calorie surplus. By definition, TRT is a THERAPEUTIC treatment....meaning it's used to restore his hormone levels TO THOSE OF A NORMAL/HEALTHY MALE.
Personally, I think cardio is counter productive on a bulk in terms of offering nothing substantial for growth. I see it as a waste of calories that should be going towards muscle growth, which is the main goal.

This was my impression also, hence the question.
Plus, heavy lifting is cardio... to some degree.
After each set of squats my pulse surges to ~ 150 and usually stays above 110-120 for the whole exercise.
The same is true for deads and to a lesser degree bench.
And while the heavy sets of small exercises like curls don't do shit, super sets get the pump going pretty good as well from my experience.
This was my impression also, hence the question.
Plus, heavy lifting is cardio... to some degree.
After each set of squats my pulse surges to ~ 150 and usually stays above 110-120 for the whole exercise.
The same is true for deads and to a lesser degree bench.
And while the heavy sets of small exercises like curls don't do shit, super sets get the pump going pretty good as well from my experience.

Heavy lifting is anaerobic work but obviously still has cardiovascular implications. What ppl call cardio here is usually aerobic work/endurance which works through different energy and adaptive pathways. I know you probably already knew the difference just pointing out to others!
While I was aware of the difference, I am not sure if the "cardio" experienced during lifting has any significant health benefits.
I have read a lot of conflicting stuff regarding the matter...
While I was aware of the difference, I am not sure if the "cardio" experienced during lifting has any significant health benefits.
I have read a lot of conflicting stuff regarding the matter...

Anaerobic exercise has better benefits to overall stamina according to the AHA. Anaerobic exercise does have health benefits but aerobic exercise does have more implications to the heart and lungs.

Resistance training exercise alone has a more modest effect on risk factors compared with aerobic endurance training, but it does aid carbohydrate metabolism through the development or maintenance of muscle mass and effects on basal metabolism.51 52 Furthermore, resistance training is currently recommended by most health promotion organizations for its effects on maintenance of strength, muscle mass, bone mineral density, functional capacity, and prevention and/or rehabilitation of musculoskeletal problems (eg, low back pain).53

Although endurance is usually associated with aerobic exercise, it is important to understand that there are different types of endurance. Aerobic endurance for long slow distance is one example, but endurance can mean several things. Local muscular endurance***8212;the ability to tolerate the pain and clear the high levels of lactic acid generated by the muscles during intense efforts lasting 30 seconds to several minutes***8212;can be very effectively improved through weight training. High-rep sets are used for this purpose. And by increasing the strength of an endurance athlete, it is possible to quite effectively increase the time to fatigue by reducing the relative effort required for
each submaximal contraction. High reps, in excess of 15, can be used effectively for such athletes to increase lactate tolerance,
and sets of 5 can be used on alternating workout days to increase absolute strength. Neither of these rep schemes directly improves any aspect of oxidative metabolism, yet both
also act to improve aerobic endurance performance.
Sets of more than 15 to 20 reps will yield significant improvements in muscular endurance, but will not produce large strength gains due to the lighter weights necessarily
involved, and this is certainly not optimal for any athlete with the primary goal of improving either power or strength.
Athletes for whom power must be produced repeatedly for extended periods must still be trained to produce power, and
high -rep sets do not accomplish this.

Sorry for bad formatting on the last one.

So typical cardio does help heart and lung health more but you can't say anaerobic and heavy lifting work has no health benefits. It can help fight arthritis and bone density problems, helps improve hormonal secretion and sensitivity, makes us stronger which better protects against injury, it helps increase the time it takes for us to tire during aerobic exercise (due to having better strength and power production to do aerobic work), etc.