Sterile Oil?

The Analyst

New member
Just wondering if you purchase Oil that is already sterile thus simplifying any issues of a heating and cooling procedure. This of course if you could rely on the product. It would seem much safer to me if you could pick some up that was already clean.
you bake the final product in the vented sealed vials, thus dont need to sterilize the oil it all gets sterilized at the end...
you still have to filter and bake it because your other raw products arent sterile and pure either. better to mix everything up then do all filtering/baking all at once. less steps that way, and way cheaper to buy regular oil than a tiny bit of sterilized oil.
The Analyst said:
Just wondering if you purchase Oil that is already sterile thus simplifying any issues of a heating and cooling procedure. This of course if you could rely on the product. It would seem much safer to me if you could pick some up that was already clean.

how many conversions have you done? there is nothing complicated about heating and cooling. you heat it then let it cool.
Re: Re: Sterile Oil?

pullinbig said:
how many conversions have you done? there is nothing complicated about heating and cooling. you heat it then let it cool.

he may be referring to finding sterile powder, but that is not realistic.
Re: Re: Re: Sterile Oil?

ld50 said:
he may be referring to finding sterile powder, but that is not realistic.

OK and i agree. sterile powder is available in many meds (freeze dried) but never heard of reg Anabolic Androgenic Steroids (AAS) homones being done this way. in our world hgh and hcg is about it. i wonder if these two are soluable in oil? hmmmm...
Re: Re: Re: Re: Sterile Oil?

pullinbig said:
i wonder if these two are soluable in oil? hmmmm...

Isn't HGH only for sub-q?