Steriods and Army Drug test


Been Natural for a Year!!
So I've heard that the Military uses some kind of Machine that detects controlled substances for a random...Would it detect Dbol if anyone knows please reply!
You should specify which countries army. I know lots of guys in the Canadian army who run gear and never get busted. Here its one of those things they expect but just don't talk about.
I know a few guys who broke out on cycle, and got tested and busted in the US army but,their whole platoon was juicing at the same time:rolleyes2
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read ur other thread u commented on! i answered u, this is the same question u asked! NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO THEY DONT TEST! U HAVE TO GIVE THEM A REASON.
yes, i just had to buy a new a lil broke out but its on my shoulders, depends on how much ur liked also. sounds bad but thats how it goes.
I Appreciate it bro!!! Another question i got 200 50mg dbols :dance2:, Its all i could get right you think i should take 25 mg daily and 4weeks on 2 or 3 weeks off??? My diet is great!!!
yes, i just had to buy a new a lil broke out but its on my shoulders, depends on how much ur liked also. sounds bad but thats how it goes.

Yep, if you are a dirt bag that doesn't do their job or a dick they will try to get rid of your ass.

You are either a team player or not...
might wanna get ya some test too, yea u can do 25 mg for 6 weeks if that dose feel sutible to u.....u seem quite new so might wanna give a low dose a try. whats ur age, height, weight. cycle history?
21, 5'10 180 my bench is 315 squat 405 I've done 5 or 6 cycles Probaly when i was on dbol 25mg daily for 4 weeks then switched over 2 tren for 6 weeks half cc every other day...