Steroid Misconceptions!

yeah, do have a valid point...but at the same time....if you were to say that juice was 50% of the equation or more....then if someone were to gain 26 pounds in a cycle and did not train, eat or sleep right or hardly at all....they would still gain 13 pounds, just from the juice. That doesn't seem right either.
clubfootedmidget said:
I don't think your flaming me at all.

But if 75% of the gains can be attributed to work, if you were to gain 20lbs in a cycle you are saying that you could grow 15lbs during the same length of time training without A.S.?

I say YES....provided one was to increase caloric intake the same amount and train with the same intensity.
BTW....another steroid misconception that pisses me off....I just watched a movie called "the program" it's a good football movie...but one of the guys is obviously juicing and that is depicted in the movie...anyway, it always shows him being really aggressive and he tries to rape some girl and then when he's forced to stop roids (by the coach) he automatically sucks at football again....I hate it....

When I'm juicing....sure I get a little more aggressive at times... but I'm able to atleast rationalize what's going on and I try to calm myself down. I really hate how the media and hollywood over-hype steroids to be something that can turn you into a "female beating, raping machine" I've never hit a girl....nor have I ever raped a girl.....and I can confidently say that I never will. I've gotten into some pretty bad fights with my girlfriend and even other girls while I'm juicing....but never have I had the urge to raise a hand at them!!!....
sorry to vent on ya'll, but I hate when ignorant (or biased) people try to talk about steroids.

I'm not biased, I know there are dangers and I know there are perks...I would never push anyone into juicing, but nor would I try to turn them away from it if they wanted to try it.