steroid side effects...

i saw this in an anti steroid article i was reading.. thought i would share it all.. it is getting to the point of being as retarded as the anti-cannabis campaign..

ACNE as a side effect of AAS usage... hahaha

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Zero his acne doesnt even come close to that pic. looks like a grenade blew up in front of his chest. The pic is definitely fake.
Zero his acne doesnt even come close to that pic. looks like a grenade blew up in front of his chest. The pic is definitely fake.

Doubt it is really fake. But the real issue is I believe it is a bacterial infection kind of acne, that happened while on a steroid cycle. So they had the excuse to use it as this propaganda... Not fake though...

I have a good buddy who's entire back is leather....He had horrible acne, disgustingly horrible acne, and it turned his back into scarred leather...and he never ran anything it simply happened during his teens...
Gosh damn what the hell is that shit - it looks like shit!

That's definitely going to cost him some points at the BB contest. :D
Yeah that doesnt look fake at all ( note the sarcasm). Looks like he got tagged up with brown and red paintballs. Dont forget about how steroids turn you into a psychotic mass murder. So really buddy your talking to a bunch of scabbed covered lunatics. Its okay reefer madness taught me blazing makes you a killer too.
Not sure if people simply lack an understanding of what is out there to deal with when it comes to series acne or not...

But like I said, I have seen it legitimately in real life. There was a time I could not pat my buddy on the back or bump into his chest or he would fall too the ground in pain. Took all kinds of special crap from a doctor to get it under control...Massive scar tissue from the crap. Unless your a medical dermatologist, your just some random guy using broscience to say "It doesnt work that way" when in reality, Yeah it does.

Its not the most common side effect at such extreme levels, but individuals have triggers that can set it off. There have been people on various forums even complain about this or ask for help. Its rare to be so extreme, but its as real as the sun is. Essentially its a pre-existing condition that is not actually causing an issue, until a trigger(in this case a hormonal imbalance) is initiated. Its likely a genetic predisposition, just like many other side effects/ issues.

Having firsthand seen the scar tissue left behind by massive acne like this, I know its real. You can throw the covers over your head if you want, but the boogie man known as reality will still be there whether or not you look at it.




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In fact here is that photo from the propaganda line up its originally used in. Turns out I was right, it took antibiotic treatment to cure it if you read at the bottom.

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Now here's a question. When I was about 14 or 15, I had severe acne on my back, a little on my shoulders, and slightly on my chest. Not as bad as those pics, but still very bad and very painful. I remember trying to do squats and couldn't put the bar on my back because it was far too painful. I wound up taking accutane, and it cleared it up. But, it left me with some nasty scars, which I am covering with tattoos.

About 2 years ago, it started coming back. I ran to the dermatologist, and immediately got back on accutane. This time around it caused severe depression, some kidney issues, etc. It did clear up the acne though. Now, acne can be a side effect of aas. If you are already prone to acne, what are the odds that the acne will come back hardcore if you do a cycle. I hve been giving a lot of thought to doing one, but I don't think I can handle that wicked acne again, nor will I ever use accutane again.
Personal opinion. Yes if you are prone to acne it will most definently be an issue. I believe in many cases acne can be kept at a minimium with hygiene, showering immediatly after you train or do anything where you break a sweat, I prefer oxy bodywash when im on, tanning is also a good way to combat it, ofcourse still showering immediatly after. Prevention is key.
i never got acne from tren... and i ran it almost 10 times at least.

the pix looks like a bad reaction of tan more than a hormonale acne.

otherwise... it doesn't looks like the same guy through the pix.
I agree with Kane. I never had acne on cycle, and I had bad acne during puberty. But being older I take the precautions to prevent. Buddy of mine breaksout bad on his back and hes a personal trainer who shower once every two days or so.
I agree with Kane. I never had acne on cycle, and I had bad acne during puberty. But being older I take the precautions to prevent. Buddy of mine breaksout bad on his back and hes a personal trainer who shower once every two days or so.

Definitely another issue. Hygiene.

There are times where I may not shower on a day if I am going to see nobody, considering I work in a warehouse I dont mind. Its been winter. Now that its summer time though, once a day, maybe twice depending on work outs(One is an actual shower, the other is more of a 2 minute rinsing off).

I cannot be sure on the correlation, but for some reason it seems that on cycle certain people can get the serious acne like in these pics. The issue is, I know its gotta be bacterial. So what is the link between AAS and the bacterial acne??? I am intrigued.
So what is the link between AAS and the bacterial acne??? I am intrigued.

As am I. I shower twice a day, every day. Usually before and after work, or working out, or whatever. But it's almost always twice a day. My acne has never been a question of cleanliness. I'm sure for others it is though. Nothing over the counter would work when my acne was bad, in fact the only thing that touched it was accutane. But that shit was brutal, and I probably have permanent kidney damage from it.

Right now the acne is nothing, I may break out a little, here and there, but it's really nothing. I am concerned if I go on a cycle and that shit comes back hardcore though. I don't know what I'd do. In fact, I may not do it just for fear of that. Honestly though, those pics look like there's something else going on. I never looked anywhere near that bad.
As am I. I shower twice a day, every day. Usually before and after work, or working out, or whatever. But it's almost always twice a day. My acne has never been a question of cleanliness. I'm sure for others it is though. Nothing over the counter would work when my acne was bad, in fact the only thing that touched it was accutane. But that shit was brutal, and I probably have permanent kidney damage from it.

Right now the acne is nothing, I may break out a little, here and there, but it's really nothing. I am concerned if I go on a cycle and that shit comes back hardcore though. I don't know what I'd do. In fact, I may not do it just for fear of that. Honestly though, those pics look like there's something else going on. I never looked anywhere near that bad.


You can shower 75 times a day if you want..but if you have the bacterial type acne, no amounts of topicals and tanning will work...only antibiotics
Perhaps the added oil production makes your skin a better breading ground. Like mesquitos in water. We all have bacteria on our skin all day everyday.
5. Acne and Anabolic Steroids

Anabolic steroids can cause the Development of acne and the extent to which it is experienced can be due to a number of varying factors, with the particular steroids and exact dosages used being the two primary factors. The skin´s sebaceous glands have a particularly high affinity to Dihydrotestosterone, which is an androgen the body naturally produces from testosterone via the enzyme 5-alpha Reductase. Increased sebaceous gland activity can oily skin which can combine with bacteria and dead skin caused by normal wear and tear, eventually causing pores to become clogged more quickly than the body can remove them. This of course, is preventable by using only particular steroids, cleansing the skin regularly, and perhaps using a topical anti-androgen.

(1. Am J Clin Dermatol. 2002;3(8):571-8. 2. Clin Dermatol. 2004 Sep-Oct;22(5):419-28. 3. Pol Merkuriusz Lek. 2004 May;16(95):490-2.)

Read more: Steroids Side Effects - Steroid .com
minocycline to be exact is what the doc prescribed me..100mg

as he qouted to me what i stated above.