Steroidology Forums As a Mentor To First-Time User


New member
Hello everyone,
I would like to introduce myself, I am 25 years old, been spending a decade underneath the iron. I have never ran a cycle of anything before. Recently my friend referred me to an online source and I ordered Test prop, Tren-ace, and Winstrol. In addition, a kit was included that will include all the needles, syringes, and alcohol pads I will need, not to mention latex gloves. It is going to be enough for a 12-week cycle.

The package has not arrived yet, however, I want to be fully prepared so that this will not be something I will regret having doing. I already have in hand, 60ml of clomid and 60 ml of nolva. As a complete beginner how will I start my dosing protocol? Will I mix the test prop and tren, and finish off with winstrol?

All I need is for some experienced users to walk with me through this exciting journey, and assist me along the way. I will listen to everyones advice and foresight, without giving back any attitude. I will also post some pics for sure! As soon as I recieve my package, I will let you know! Thank you.
Tren for a first cycle is a horrible idea bro. You should hold off on that and save it for when you become much more experienced. You never said how much test, tren, or winnie you got. Also you should make your first cycle a test only. For a first cycle eod pinning is going to be harsh, shoulda went with a long ester like e or cyp. Look into getting an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) to keep estrogen under control and you need to do a lot more research before you start this cycle. Read the stickys and it will help you set up your cycle.
Hello everyone,
I would like to introduce myself, I am 25 years old, been spending a decade underneath the iron. I have never ran a cycle of anything before. Recently my friend referred me to an online source and I ordered Test prop, Tren-ace, and Winstrol. In addition, a kit was included that will include all the needles, syringes, and alcohol pads I will need, not to mention latex gloves. It is going to be enough for a 12-week cycle.

The package has not arrived yet, however, I want to be fully prepared so that this will not be something I will regret having doing. I already have in hand, 60ml of clomid and 60 ml of nolva. As a complete beginner how will I start my dosing protocol? Will I mix the test prop and tren, and finish off with winstrol?

All I need is for some experienced users to walk with me through this exciting journey, and assist me along the way. I will listen to everyones advice and foresight, without giving back any attitude. I will also post some pics for sure! As soon as I recieve my package, I will let you know! Thank you.

well youwasted your money .. that IS NOT a first cycle and tren can be one of the harshed injects there is!, i would not rec it for even a 4th cycle...
and WHY THE HECK would you pick testp for a first cycle? you need ot inject that every day or every other day... teste or cyp can be done 1-2X week and makes much more sence... I can tell you are not readyto do any cycle yet, i do hope you save what ever you bought for a couple years down the road and get a proper first cycle. ( note never buy pre-made cycles from a store, they are often bad)

* dont do the cycle you plan
* learn about Aromatase inhibitor (AI) and gyno
*learn about what a first cycle should be
* first cycle is best to be ONLY test and i would rec teste or cyp never p, i feel its use is pretty pointless unless being tested. not worth the extra pinning im my op.

here is a bit of tip for you:

your first cycle:

wk1-14 500mg ew teste
wk1-15 AI
wk16-20 PCT clomid/tamox

good luck

ps. Winstrol (winny) is hard on joints and blood and gains are minimal...
Thank you Fox and Porkchop, I greatly appreciate you guys taking your time to write detailed, lengthy responses to my ignorant post. I will throw my package to the back of my closet when it arrives and save it for another time.

Ok, I will order some Test-E from my source for my first time. I will also order some Letro for an A.I., and I already have my two bottles of clomid and nolva.

Thanks for the links to those first-timer threads Porkchop. Hopefully you guys can stick around and help me along the way!
Not a problem bro we're all here to help each other out. For an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) you can get adex or aromasin. You don't need the letro. Tha's more for the prolactin sides of tren so adex or aromasin will do just fine.
I would like to give an update to my thread. The original source I was trying to buy from is a scam I guess...I ordered and waited for 2 months and emailed the guy. He told me that he supposed my order was seized and if I gave him 80$ he would send another order. I just cut my losses and never mailed him back. I competed in a bodybuilding competition last week and a fellow competitor gave me a "reliable" source or so he says. I will order just one vial of Test-E and see if it comes, if it does, then great! I hope you guys are still standing by to assist me if I need it. Thanks!
Hello everyone,
I would like to introduce myself, I am 25 years old, been spending a decade underneath the iron. I have never ran a cycle of anything before. Recently my friend referred me to an online source and I ordered Test prop, Tren-ace, and Winstrol. In addition, a kit was included that will include all the needles, syringes, and alcohol pads I will need, not to mention latex gloves. It is going to be enough for a 12-week cycle.

The package has not arrived yet, however, I want to be fully prepared so that this will not be something I will regret having doing. I already have in hand, 60ml of clomid and 60 ml of nolva. As a complete beginner how will I start my dosing protocol? Will I mix the test prop and tren, and finish off with winstrol?

All I need is for some experienced users to walk with me through this exciting journey, and assist me along the way. I will listen to everyones advice and foresight, without giving back any attitude. I will also post some pics for sure! As soon as I recieve my package, I will let you know! Thank you.

Ouch. I had my test e and post cycle therapy (pct) for almost 13 months before I started. During that time and before I researched and absorbed everything I could about these drugs and the fact that most all the literature on AAS and PED's in general, is either first hand experience (like from this board) or dated information from the 70s and 80s it can make shuffling through material almost feel like I'm back in college. Good call on advising this board before jumping into something crazy. Good luck!
Thanks for the replies, well today I actually got my vial in the mail. It is TE-300 by global anabolics. 300 mg/ml x 10ml. Now that I know I can trust this source, I will order another 2 vials so that I can run it like you guys told me to, 500mg ew for 14 weeks. I will also order everything else I need. Thanks again for the invaluable help! It feels great to have gotten my package today, feels like im taking a first step! Stay Posted!
You want aromasin OR arimidex as an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) since letro will crash your estrogen.. too low estrogen = less gains. Letro is good when you want to get rid of gyno quickly
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Well here is what I have received from my source, awesome and discreet packaging. Enough for a 12 week cycle. I shall be receiving my needles and syringes soon, both 23 and 24 gauges. Success! Once I receive my syringes and needles, I will be delighted to update everyone further on what my plans for my cycle hold. I look forward to any more advice, insight or tips from everyone. Thank you!
Well, a new physique competition just popped up for November and I would like to enter it. If I run this cycle soon, will I hold so much water from the test e, that I will not be able to come in optimum conditioning even if my diet is on point?
Hello everyone, well I have started week 2 of my cycle. Yesterday I had my third injection. I am doing 250 mg test e 2x a week. I have also been taking 12.5 mg of aromasin a day. I don't really feel much different and haven't noticed any results. I do seem a little more vascular and I wake up in the middle of the night with raging boners.

I have been rotating left and right glutes, injections aren't as painful as I thought. Hopefully I see some results soon! Feel free to chime in your thoughts! I am actually looking forward to my injection days now!!
Great to hear man! I'm also on my second week of test e. Kick started with dbol. Remember, test e is a long ester and takes quite some time to build up in the system roughly 4-6 weeks

Make sure to eat! Diet is key. Can't stress enough how important diet is. Goodluck bro!
Thanks for the positive words GT! And today is Thursday! Looking forward to my pin after hitting shoulders. Starting to notice a little bit of acne on the shoulders, hopefully
It doesn't get out of control. I gotta post some pics soon too. Cool to know that we will be doing the same thing at the same time. Let me know how yours goes too!
Another quick update, still running 500 mg 2x a week
Aromasin 12.5 mg every day. I will take my nolva once the cycle has ended at week 12 or 14.
Feel pumped all day long, balls have shrunk noticeably, not much increase in raw strength but endurance is better. Vascularity is insane!
Well, I am nearing week 10 soon. This certainly wasn't what I thought it would be. It wasn't a magical potion by any means. I noticed feeling fuller, tighter, crazy vascularity. Most noticeably, my weakest points have grown a bit, like my arms and calves.

No serious sides yet, no gyno, balding...minor acne, but I had minor acne before anyway. Pinning became fun and exciting after a few weeks. Thank you for everyone who offered advice at the beginning. I don't know I anyone is interested or reading this anymore. Definitely looking forward to my next cycle!