guys, do you have any information on so called "Steroids alternatives" or natural testosterone booster?
Is that really safe or just ads?
Many uninformed with jump and say they don't work. Some do it a matter on know what's what. I know of a few lines that work well and are still legal.
Even if these test boosters increase your test by, say, 10%, that doesn't mean shit.
say your levels are 700ng/dl. Then you take a test booster and that goes up to 770ng/dl. That will virtually make zero difference.
There's no such thing as a natural testosterone booster that has any real measure of effectiveness. Unfortunately, anything that really works is not legal over the counter besides creatine (strength via intramuscular water retention and ATP enhancements), arginine (vasodilator), fish oil (blood pressure), magnesium citrate (strength/recovery), and caffeine (obvious). A proper diet will do so much, it's not even funny as well.
DAA, horny goat weed, tribulus, and the other "herbal test boosters" are all 100% crap. Sure, there will be studies showing a change, but it's literally BILLIONTHS of a gram.
My 0.02c
Ok so in one of my former lives I desiged products for a few of the biggest companies in the industry in a lab setting. I designed grey market lines some boutique product lines ( legal but you wouldn't find over the counter ) and have been involved in the release of the biggest pro hormone ( Methyl1test ) releases to the public. So I will say I have a better understanding of natural and synthetic compounds avalible. There are legal compounds that mimic hormones and have the same effect in the body as natural hormones. There are compounds like sarms and peptides there are plant steroids. There are all kinds of high end therapies like customized modulated proteins and iv amino therapy.
Sky is the limit with money. The monsters and aliens aren't using steroid any longer.
I'm not saying the things being marketed as test boosters are good. I said there are compounds that work. You can find plenty of studies at pub med where amino acids combinations produced a 200% increase in test levels. What the studies done tell you is that the dosing was done by iv. I know of a few products that were designed that work that can't get insurance.
Im not going to mention compounds because that's part of what I do for a living. By the way a few of the best pro hormones were extracts of flowers fruits and roots. They were legal because they were naturally occurring. They actually suppressed hormones and were made illegal in the last change the the steroid act.
guys, do you have any information on so called "Steroids alternatives" or natural testosterone booster?
Is that really safe or just ads?
You speak of things you don't know. Why would you see only a 10 % increase. What if the product was a plant steroid that has the same effects in the body like increased protein synthsis and insulin with sensitivity a positive nitrogen balance in the muscle but don't aromatise. I can think on one such compound that wea famous for its results but when release to the public at 1/10 the potency got a bad rap. The public never new that. The cost to refine the product made it more expensive that the cheap supplement company wanted to spend.
Or what if the compound was a natural steroid that one had one of the carbon molecules changed to make a new compound.
Too many of you guys are talking sideways out of your asses. Up in till a few years ago it was thought that you were born with set number of muscle fiber cells. Folistatin changed that myth. Coupled with IGF-1LR3 the sky is the limit.
We are talking about those test boosters you find at stupid supplement stores, aren't we? Those aren't going to do shit. Feel free to take as many as you want, it's your money not mine.
But yeah I severely doubt they sell a test booster that would increase testosterone more than 10%.