steroids and past mental health problem.


New member
I used to have a mental health problem but am over it and no longer take any meds my mind is 100% clear and has been for over 3 years. Would you think steroids with a past mental health problem would not be a good idea or not really matter. The mental health problem i had was psychosis. I have been taking my time and researching all i need to know about the use of steroids so i get it 100% rite first time.
I used to have a mental health problem but am over it and no longer take any meds my mind is 100% clear and has been for over 3 years. Would you think steroids with a past mental health problem would not be a good idea or not really matter. The mental health problem i had was psychosis. I have been taking my time and researching all i need to know about the use of steroids so i get it 100% rite first time.

To be honest I would steer clear as Psychosis is serious. If you do want to do a course though then stick to a single ester at a low dose Test, say 300mg per week..... A big must is stay well away from Tren.
i would have to agree with paul the last thing people need is a big nut all juiced up... you should just stick with mv and protein
I would like to do a course of something but not so bad i would risk going nuts again. Its hard to find out which steroids have harsher psychological effects i guess from what you said tren is harsh on the mind. What do you think about some of the less strong orals like androl dianabol or even some of the pro hormones? ill look more into the ester at a low dose.
I would have to say I didn't change much when I was on a cycle then when I was off. But as I don't want to make a false Hypothases, I do believe I was crushing over girls more and now more that Im on post cycle therapy (pct). Like my True Love Doctor, that breaks it off proper(obsessed), and my other True love witch is not even really hot. Makin me go crazyyyyyyyyy, haven't felt that way since I was a kid. It feels all euphoric and all but still its not healthy, it can become a Fatal Attraction. But I don't know for sure so don't quote me on this, don't need to be flamed and stuck wit da Zyzz fans, ROFL.