Steroids and sex drive/test


New member
-Okay well just finished a cycle of anavar and am not getting as many erections or as hard as I had before. My pct was 2 weeks of proviron. Is this a product of a faulty post cycle therapy (pct)? Are there any natural products that will increase sex drive to normal levels without a subsequent drop when the product is stopped? Thanks.
your dealing with this because you did an oral only shut down your natty test and didnt replace it with exogenous test...also your pct wasnt long enough...I would have def ran clomid, tore, or nolva for pct...not proviron. I would run a proper pct....and you can get yourself some my knowledge there isnt anything naturaly or herbal that will make you horny

these are my opinions do not have to listen to my bs
-Okay well just finished a cycle of anavar and am not getting as many erections or as hard as I had before. My pct was 2 weeks of proviron. Is this a product of a faulty post cycle therapy (pct)? Are there any natural products that will increase sex drive to normal levels without a subsequent drop when the product is stopped? Thanks.

proviron is NOT pct , use clomid at 50 mg for 3-4 weeks.
This whole thread is just wrong. No oral only and provision is also slightly suppressive so you shut yourself down then your pct was suppressive. Get a serm.
Okay, yeah i guess i definitely erred in my cycle, what do you think is the better bet on the post cycle therapy (pct) for raising testosterone levels, Clomid or Nolvadex? Also, what length/amount cycle do you guys recommend running? Should this return my hormone/testosterone levels to where they were originally? Less important, do either of compounds clomid or nolvadex trip a drug test for the NCAA?
Not that you want to hear it again but this is why you don't run oral or non test based cycles. Ive been in same position, shut down at 10 days but fortunately had quick access to test and got it taken care of.

I dont claim to be expert but I would run Toremifene 60mg/day for 4 weeks. Side effect profile sounds a little better.

If you wanted nolvadex i would do it 4 weeks at 40mg/day for first 2 weeks then 20/day last 2 weeks or clomid 50/day for 4 weeks.

I would also run aromasin (inhibits enzyme that converts test to estrogen) 25 mg/day for the 4 weeks.

I do not know if they show up on a NCAA test. I would guessx they are not looking for it but if they are serious about picking out people that have been on steroids they should look for the post cycle drugs too. I would.

Aabout 2 weeks after the 4 weeks of post cycle I would get test and estradiol checked to see if recovered
I'm guessing yes for NCAA along with the steroids you used which includes proviron. So if you were worried about post cycle therapy (pct) showing up you shouldn't have used any of it. But you need to do a serm