Steroids cycle, penis size


New member
Hey guys, first i want to say I am so glad I can write this up here without ever having to see anyone face to face and explain my problem. Basically I am on a test deca dbol classic stack, gotten good gains so far right. The girls are starting to give me a lot of attention and I mean a lot. Good I hear you say. Well its not. I mean before this cycle my penis was not huge anyway just an average penis yeh, i never really measure but i would say about 6-7 erect. Right now on this cycle first I have a problem getting erect then when I am "erect" the dick is just not hard, like limp. I am taking HCG also. I thought ok I will buy some viagra and take that and see will that help, it definately made my penis rock solid BUT I am only 3.5 inches erect. I mean come on man WTF, that is not even gona pentrate the bitch. I have this girl who is always on my case and wants me to fuck her, I WANT TO FUCK HER. You can see why I cant. Come on I cant be the only guy like this, what would you guys do? Or just wait till after cycle and it comes back to normall size hopefully. Help me out fellas
One other thing I am supposed to be this cool dude so please dont anyone say let her see the weiner. If she tells anyone my rep is ruined and noone will fuck me
how old r u dont go for V holmes if nething try prov. instead, that shouldnt be happening tho doses look fine, stats?
how old r u dont go for V holmes if nething try prov. instead, that shouldnt be happening tho doses look fine, stats?

Stats are 5 9, 205 currently, bf% estimate about 17/18, can see my abs slightly. This my 3rd cycle, last cycle was in my teens, took 2 years off and then on this cycle, and im 24 years old. Funny thing i never noticed this sort of thing in my teens. Kinda makes me think was i walking around thinking I am cool and girls wer laughing at my penis behind my back
hey man all u have is what we call DECA DICK, if banging this girl is so important stop the deca and ur boner will come back
hey man all u have is what we call DECA DICK, if banging this girl is so important stop the deca and ur boner will come back

It cant be that simple can it??? Your not playing with me are you mate? I know what deca dick is but i thought the test would help that. Will my dick go back to normal size? I am 9 weeks in, should i finish cycle or just drop deca now?

PS: The girl is not important to me, she keeps hassling me to be her sex buddy
I was just thinking, deca dick means you cant get a boner, so why has my penis shrunk in size man!! Also before you say if the girl isnt important then why owrry because I want my dick back functional, i just want some assurance from someone reliable that my dick WILL come back to normal size after cycle or any way to help it now
Im actually selling the brooklyn bridge also incase youre interested.
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Next time you tell someone to do something dumb lit that you will be banned. there are a lot of idiot kids who read these forums. They are don't always understand when people are joking. Sorry for the hard stance the site is here to keep people safe and informed.
*****THe management.******
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Hey Italian is completely right its 100% DECA DICK. No matter if yor taking the test or not. Your test levels might still be low have you gone to a doctor to have all your levels checked that might be another good idea. The other thing is your Hcg may be bunk. Just throwing out some ideas I dont know all of your spefics. But the Deca is having an effect.

I dunnno... But hum... You know... humm...

Humm.... yeah!
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It cant be that simple can it??? Your not playing with me are you mate? I know what deca dick is but i thought the test would help that. Will my dick go back to normal size? I am 9 weeks in, should i finish cycle or just drop deca now?

PS: The girl is not important to me, she keeps hassling me to be her sex buddy

it is that simple bro just stop the deca and continue to run test