New member
Hey guys, first i want to say I am so glad I can write this up here without ever having to see anyone face to face and explain my problem. Basically I am on a test deca dbol classic stack, gotten good gains so far right. The girls are starting to give me a lot of attention and I mean a lot. Good I hear you say. Well its not. I mean before this cycle my penis was not huge anyway just an average penis yeh, i never really measure but i would say about 6-7 erect. Right now on this cycle first I have a problem getting erect then when I am "erect" the dick is just not hard, like limp. I am taking HCG also. I thought ok I will buy some viagra and take that and see will that help, it definately made my penis rock solid BUT I am only 3.5 inches erect. I mean come on man WTF, that is not even gona pentrate the bitch. I have this girl who is always on my case and wants me to fuck her, I WANT TO FUCK HER. You can see why I cant. Come on I cant be the only guy like this, what would you guys do? Or just wait till after cycle and it comes back to normall size hopefully. Help me out fellas