steroids = permanent gains ?


New member
I may know part of this answer but I am asking anyhow. Are there some steroids that create more or less permanent gains than others ? Thanks again....
there are some drugs out there that help keep gains such as EQ since it is a hardening drug.
Like if you use and then stay off of all aas. But some of the gains stay for a long long time as long as the only thing you change is the shots. Lifetsyle is still %110...
Maybe primo ?
Steroids are far from permanent. I think you can help reach certain goals faster with steroids and then maintain that physique with a combo of diet and training. But nothing is permanent.
if your genetics can support the weight and you still live the bodybuilding lifetstyle then it should be permanent. but if you think you can stay at 250ripped, or exceed your genetic potential and then live like a bum then no your gains will be lost of course.
it also depends on your genetics. if you take anadrol most likely diet or no diet you willl lose that shit very fast
Yes and no, overall though the answer is no. You are putting yourself outside of your natural abilities, ergo it is supernatural, not something you can maintain naturally.

The small amount that increases your natural abilities is via Hyperplasia, this means more muscle cells than you had previously, but does this really mean that you can carry more naturally now? I dont know, who is to say that your muscle cells will just get smaller with your own natural testosterone level, who knows.

If you are looking to do one or two cycles and just flat quit though, I dont really know that gear is for you. I dont think very many people actually say that, and follow through, unless they have crappy cycles and give up blaming thier genetics when in reality they dont know diet for dyck.
mudge, i agree and i also think that even if you lift and diet naturally just to gain some muscle and then quit all of a sudden you mine as well just forget it unless your looking for something short term.
I agree. Genetics play a huge factor in determining permanent gains from AS use. I took off a entire three years before going back on, on my weight stayed around the 240 mark, and three years before I was around the 250 mark and plateaued around the 240 mark. I feel that 240 was my natural limit, if there is such a thing, but I am 315now, so I don't know.
all in all i dont think the argument is steroids=permanent gains. i dont think thats any different than lifting naturally=permanent gains, because sooner or later you will plateu completely , steroids no steroids, and once you quit dieting and or lifting weights, you are going to lose some until you've reached that limit your body can hold, even more if you dont eat enough to feed your muscles so they can live.
joltan said:
mudge, i agree and i also think that even if you lift and diet naturally just to gain some muscle and then quit all of a sudden you mine as well just forget it unless your looking for something short term.

My opinion is also somewhat along the lines, if you aren't looking for something moderately serious, then stay legal!
I personally think that steroids help you gain alot and keep some. Say you gained 30 lbs off your first cycle and kept 15 when you came off. You are still at a "natural" 15 lbs heavier then you were before. Eventually you will get to a certain point where your body cannot support its weight/definition/hardness without AAS. It depends on how far you take it.
Thats what I thought. If you gain 30 keep 15 . You should be able to mantain that 15. I want to cycle on and off for as long as I can. Maybe a couple years. I want to keep it concervitive and never get greedy on gear. Should work out ok. Thanks for the info....
no steroids gains are not permant........ you ever seen a 300 pound monster go to jail and come out about 180pounds..... and trust me he was eating everyones food and traing and lifting the heavist inside....
That-Guy said:
no steroids gains are not permant........ you ever seen a 300 pound monster go to jail and come out about 180pounds..... and trust me he was eating everyones food and traing and lifting the heavist inside....
I don't know about that much of a drastict drop.
Actually a world strength competitor went through that, I heard he was jailed for running someone over after a DUI.

However, the steroids dont make you hold weight to a degree that means its impossible to eat naturally and weigh 300, but dont expect to look as pretty.
Tryn2 said:
Are there some steroids that create more or less permanent gains than others ?

The answer is NO, DEFINITELY NO! No matter what one does, if they totally abstain from steroids after doing a cycle...they will eventually return to their natural state. It doesn't matter what they do (training, diet, etc.), it's inevitable, they will shrink up. You must keep cycling for maintenance and/or growth. Intermittent clean periods are OK as long as you don't lay off too long.

My opinion is more than an opinion. It is based on personal experience. I was a pretty big guy back in the days...(long time ago)...from 6 heavy cycles in a two year period. Then I quit for a 15 year period. I continued to train my ass off and eat as much as possible, but I kept losing all that chemical induced mass. It probably took about 2 years to get back to my pre-steroid state, but it eventually happened regardless of my efforts.

I think this is a bullshit question. Kinda like saying, if you diet is the fatloss permanent?

"Yeah, I did gear about 15 years ago, lost it all, gear doesn't work."


"Yeah, I dieted about 15 years ago, gained all that fat back though...dieting doesn't work."
Re: Re: steroids = permanent gains ?

The answer is NO, DEFINITELY NO! No matter what one does, if they totally abstain from steroids after doing a cycle...they will eventually return to their natural state. It doesn't matter what they do (training, diet, etc.), it's inevitable, they will shrink up. You must keep cycling for maintenance and/or growth. Intermittent clean periods are OK as long as you don't lay off too long.

My opinion is more than an opinion. It is based on personal experience. I was a pretty big guy back in the days...(long time ago)...from 6 heavy cycles in a two year period. Then I quit for a 15 year period. I continued to train my ass off and eat as much as possible, but I kept losing all that chemical induced mass. It probably took about 2 years to get back to my pre-steroid state, but it eventually happened regardless of my efforts.

I think the key here is that you can't quit for a 15 year period and expect to keep anything worth while.

I have seem myself and many others hold onto a lot of size while not "on", while following a moderate regular workout regime while concentrating on eating pretty good at the same time. I graduated H.S. at 135# back in 1986 when I did my first cycle, and now I weigh 190#. I feel the 55# came from more than just eating good. :D
I have realized that noone really knows. Just look at this post and all of the conflicting opinions. One person says one thing and another will say something completely different. This is because they are basing it on personal experience, which is what you will have to do as well. Only then will you know how your body reacts to aas. As far as i know, there have been no real conclusive experiment done on human subjects taking steroids (esp. at the levels we take them) to record all effects of these drugs. However, I do think its safe to say that without proper diet and training you can expect to keep none of your gains, but once again it really depends on you.
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