still a newbie, be gentle

You should invest all the money you saved from the hair cuttery and invest in food, you look ok but this is not hairology its steroidology. Cut your hair man its friggin gay and this isnt the 80's plus.....nevermind....
Not bad... I have been lifting 3 months now with one cycle of dianabol. I went from 5'8" 131lbs to 170 lbs. I just started my second cycle today...but I stepped it up a notch. D-Bol, Sustanon 250, and Nolvadex. Also I have been on a 6000 calorie diet this entire time, which has been a challenge because I am a soldier deployed to the middle east. Not tryin to sound like an ass but cut your hair dude, its getting bigger then you are. But anyways keep it up, no excuses get to the damn gym, get your sleep, and eat till your fuckin sick!

Fuck all the negative bullshit posted on your thread. Look, the way I see it, along with some of the other things mentioned, is that you need to focus on:

EATING- Clean, but son you need to really up the calories. Adequate protein is a must. Any idea where you are at now?

TRAIN HARD- At this point in the game, pretty much anything is going to work. You just need to make sure you have the intensity and the consistency. I like the idea of hitting everything 2x/wk- until your body tells you not to. For now.

SLEEP- Get enough. 8 hrs a night.

Good luck hard and it will pay off. Keep us posted on your progress and always ask for help when you need it. There is too much info from some of the bros and this board to just guess- alot of guys have done the trial and error thing- do what works best for you, but use all of the GOOD knowledge and advice you can.

And keep your hair the way you like it. Apparently all of these other fucking fags think you're trying to impress them with what your hair looks like. Fuck 'em.

mattd46612 said:
Eat as much as possible of clean carbs and tons of protein. Shouldn't be hard to bulk when your weight is that low. Hell 2500 calories would probably bulk you.
at this point no one can stress enough how you should eat as much as possible. im eating right now. your meals , im sure u already know, should consist of a protien and a carb. dont forget the major part of bulking is near constant eating paired with keeping up the hard work in the gym.