Still Skinny D


New member
This is 6 months of lifting. I hit my peak with weights. I don't want to run gear, just need a good mix up. What is my B/F?

Still way too skinny. What is a good brand of protein? Creatine?

These are the only pics I have.


yeah, you're skinny but you're also pretty young (looks like 17??). 6 months is NOTHING. take your time bro. no need to rush into anything right now. The best thing you can do is get your diet and your training where it needs to be. If you want to gain weight, you need to take in more cals especially from protein. Try true protein, they are one of the forum sponsors. seriously, you should be eating everything in sight. 4-5k cals or more. Give it at least 5 years of SOLID training and diet and you'll be huge in no time.

BF is somewhere in the 7-10% range if I had to guess. the pics aren't that great though.
I just turned 25. I've been trying to gain weight forever. Huge calorie diets, creatine, muscle milk, clean diets. Just a crazy metabolism I guess. My brother was the same way. Then around 25, he started gaining weight. I figure I'll start to change up the diet and training. You guys will definitely be seeing a lot more of me on here. Oh, and I'll get a better camera and some progress pics in a few months.