Still uncertain.....leaning more towards tren ace!!

Lol wait I'm to young for aas??? Or does he think anonn is 33 and having boner issues???***128514;

He had me confused. He had to be insinuating me. About the only thing I'm to young for these days is social security.

That guy came out of left field he only has one post.
I have an opporrunity to get some liquid caber from a reliable friend/source....I'm starting to get all my eggs in a basket for d-day!!!! I've heard good things and bad things about this stuff! So what you guys think? I also read that some ppl run their caber with their cycle mandatory and others wait and just handle the prob if and when it arises? Like roush stated I believe that only like 1 out of 10 guys actually have to run caber or prami!!!! I'm leaning more towards just hitting my anastrozole though out my cycle and just hoping I'm not one of those guys with a PRL prob!! Does anybody see anything wrong with this plan???
I have an opporrunity to get some liquid caber from a reliable friend/source....I'm starting to get all my eggs in a basket for d-day!!!! I've heard good things and bad things about this stuff! So what you guys think? I also read that some ppl run their caber with their cycle mandatory and others wait and just handle the prob if and when it arises? Like roush stated I believe that only like 1 out of 10 guys actually have to run caber or prami!!!! I'm leaning more towards just hitting my anastrozole though out my cycle and just hoping I'm not one of those guys with a PRL prob!! Does anybody see anything wrong with this plan???

I'd start the cycle and keep on top of estrogen control with your AI and you shouldn't have an issue. Just make sure you have quick access to a prami or caber if needed, its not mandatory. again at least for me its not , I've ran a half dozen deca/npp cycles up to 800mg and never needed it. some guys run half that dose and get deca dick cause of prolactin issue though
Cool and I understand that risk!!!! Just little nervous cause I have never ran it and can't afford the dec dick!!! Love using my pecker!!! Lmao
Ok so I was talking with a local competitive bodybuilder in my area and he said that if I wanted to I could throw some tren into the cycle that I'm going to run which is test e and deca..... is this a bad idea? He said run it no longer then 8 weeks? So I'm guessing I would run it somewhere in the middle of my cycle? I know tren is like 4x as strong as test? What would be a reasonable dose? Is running two nor19 a recipe for disaster? Anybody have experience with all three these together?.
thoughts concerns appreciated
I have been running prami .25 ed all cycle (test/deca) as i didnt want to find out the hard way i am prolactin sensitive i also enjoy using my pecker too much lol. K so 1st thing is it taste like fucking shit, 2nd i was taking it an hour before bed the 1st 6 weeks or so and i would wake up 3-4 times every night, switched to taking it in the morning and sleep like a baby now. I am horny pretty much 24/7 and roush is right i can literally go for round 2 less than 5 minutes after. Takes longer to bust but I'm sure that's not just from the prami but a combination of the gear and ai/da. Good luck man
Ok so I was talking with a local competitive bodybuilder in my area and he said that if I wanted to I could throw some tren into the cycle that I'm going to run which is test e and deca..... is this a bad idea? He said run it no longer then 8 weeks? So I'm guessing I would run it somewhere in the middle of my cycle? I know tren is like 4x as strong as test? What would be a reasonable dose? Is running two nor19 a recipe for disaster? Anybody have experience with all three these together?.
thoughts concerns appreciated

Everything i have read suggest not to run 2 19nor's together
I'd stay away from liquid Caber. Get it in pill form. Prami is better in liquid. Start real low dose on that also and work your way up. Really low.
Yea I'm hoping that I'm not prone to have to use the caber or prami. I messed up and got some liquid caber before I heard so many neg things about it. Everybody stats it has a short shelf life? So what do they mean by short life? I got mine like a month ago and it's just sitting back chilling in case of emergency. I'll prob order some prami aswell.
I put my cycle off for a couple of months so I actually haven't started it yet....I just got my pre bloods back and my test serum is hella low!!! 230!! So looks like I'm a trt guy for sure.....other levels look fine from what I can tell... I'm at work now I'll post bloods later