Stomach Bloat


New member
Might sound like a dumb question but thought I'd ask anyway :). Have any of you guys in your training etc come across foods that cause stomach bloat. I have full cream milk in all my protein shakes and am thinking of cutting it out and just going with water [yuck] and see what the difference is. I'm natural so it's not gear that is causing it. I'm getting cheezed off because everything else seems to be coming along fine and I'm getting tired of the lower back pain I get from constantly sucking my gut in :D

Anyway, would greatly appreciate other peoples experiences - I find the advice on this board is so much better than what the magazines tell you.

Thanks all!
Milk and sodium. Both will make me bloat like crazy. Although drinking enough water will usually take care of that.
defintly cut the cream out and see how you feel.
are you drinking LOTS of water throughout the day?
also I take 500mg of ginger root before each meal to aid in digestion of proteins(eating alot make me bloated, but with the ginger root I dont experience that)
Must confess I need to drink more water - still can't get my mind around the idea that drinking more water helps you get rid of excess water - seems a bit weird :)

Interesting tip with the ginger root Atherjen, will have to give that one a try.
if you eat a lot of carb's you can get gassy and bloated too !
i have recently cut some of my carb's and eat more veggies instead, i feel that have helped a lot !!
also i felt my midsection was getting a little too fat, im hoping less carp's will help there too !? :)
ive been trying to died real good for about 3 or for days (just learning) but have eaten pretty well before that too... all these eggs and protein are giving me hella gas! this morning i was like god dayum!!