Stomach reaching critical mass.

Zero V

Prodigal son
So heres the thing. I am finally getting back into supplementation full steam, but my stomach over the last year and a half has slowly died. I assume its a side effect of the intangible amount of stress life has put me through in that time.

Few things I can eat that do not cause my stomach to feel like crap. I kinda wonder if the 30 rounds of different antibiotics fked it up over 3 years.

Point being, I need to "heal" the stomach.

Right now when I take a pill I worry deeply my stomach may reject it and I fall to the ground in pain. Has not happened yet because I take all my pills with meals, but still. When I was younger I could eat anything, but already at 25 I need to correct my stomach before it gets worse.

I gave up energy drinks for new years, I just gave up coffee(This one hurts my heart :( ) I dont drink soda. I like tea, and I use tea with Truvia at home, but will drink sweetened tea if I am out.

Anyone else have stomach issues that has any advice?

Possible ulcers, but I want to try and curve this naturally before I go to meds.
Honestly, my first suggestion would be to eat as bland as possible for a few weeks. You need to know if it's food that's the issue, or stress.

Basically an elimitation diet of sorts will be a good indicator. Eat the same bland things day in and day out and log a journal of how you feel after each meal. Slowly introduce new foods and log how you feel after you've eaten those. Write down if you have stress, what the stressor was/is and how your stomach felt. Writting it all down is the only way to be able to pinpoint your issues.
honestly, my first suggestion would be to eat as bland as possible for a few weeks. You need to know if it's food that's the issue, or stress.

Basically an elimitation diet of sorts will be a good indicator. Eat the same bland things day in and day out and log a journal of how you feel after each meal. Slowly introduce new foods and log how you feel after you've eaten those. Write down if you have stress, what the stressor was/is and how your stomach felt. Writting it all down is the only way to be able to pinpoint your issues.
