stopping after one pin, is PCT needed after one high volume injection ?


New member
I am 20 years old and decided to take my first cycle. Tren,EQ, and test cip. I read a lot online about starting early and how it can mess your natural test up pretty bad, maybe even for the rest of your life. A lot more negatives than positives so I'm going to stop. I took one 3cc shot. Since the shot was high volume and pretty potent mix should I take a PCT after one shot ? Thanks. btw this is the day after and I feel some sharp pain in my stomach and almost feel like I have the flu ? Related to the the shot ?
It's a good decision to stop the cycle. Wait a few years. I wouldn't bother with PCT after only one pin.
I don't know if PCT is necessary, but just run it 3 weeks from now. Only bad thing is how long that eq is going to linger...
Everyone is neglecting the real concern in this post where is that tren op? DO NOT LET IT GO TO WASTE
Bro I'm not worried about the tren going to waste lol I just wanted to know if it screwed up my normal levels
How many times are you going to ask this same question. You asked me it in a PM. How many others did you ask? You started another thread with the same question.

Are you going to keep asking until you get the answer you are hoping for?
tren is a 19-nor.. like deca it quickly shuts you down.. i would personally run a pct
Getting different opinions. lol no need to get salty. Does it really matter to you?

Yes. It does matter to me. I invested time in trying to help you. You sought out my help. I didn't seek you out. And then you turn around and ask the exact same question again and again. On top of it you then bitch me out in a PM today.

You can go it alone. Let's see how that works out for you.
tren is a 19-nor.. like deca it quickly shuts you down.. i would personally run a pct

3J: Unfortunately I think he was looking for a different answer. I also recommended that he run PCT in the multiple PM's he sent me. :-)
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