Stopping my cycle after front loading, pct question? (teen)


New member
Hello guys, I'm new.
I'm only 18 years old.Very young, I know, but from many reasons, like injuries that made me lose all the gains (very good for a natural or not). I decided to take this choice.
Unfortunately, after only a front loading of 600mg of testosterone propinate for very ugly family issues I decided to stop my cycle. At least for now.
This is not for me.
My question is: Do I need a pct to help HPTA to recover?
Sorry for my English.
Bud you should use the pct just in case. I doubt you will get shut down, especially since the prop will be out of your system quickly. Don't use AAS at such a young age as it will cause serious issues for your hpta later on.
Yes do a pct. Frontloading prop really isn't necessary. With that being said your shit got hit hard real quick.
Too late for HCG bud. Use both clomid and nolva if possible. HCG is for on cycle use. You can use it throughout the whole cycle or in the last 5 or 6 weeks but not off cycle as it will suppress you more.