Straight Superdrol Cycle


New member
I know in the past few weeks I have been posting up alot of qustions with my cycle.. I just want to make sure this cycle isnt 80% effort or 90% effort put into it. I want it to have my full potintiel and get everything I can out of it.. I have been out of the gym for 3 weeks now and lost some size... Havent been eating well and have been stressing out alot lately.. reason I took time off was moving houses and Hurt my should in the process.. Heres my stats as of now..:

Weight- 166.7

Bf%- 18% I dont know how... I think GNC body fat reader is garbage!


Current MAX workout stats

Barbell Curl:135lbs X 2

Flat Bench press:315 X 2

Incline Bench press: 275 x 3

Military Press: 170 X 3 I'm very week on shoulders, I know.

On cycle supps Will Be:

Muscle Juice 2544

Jack3D-Best Pre workout Ever!


Im going to be doing this cycle to try n get some mass for the summer.
Some of my support supplements pre cycle will be:
Milk thistle: 2000mg E.d for 1 week before

OMega 3's-1500mg E.d for 1 week.

ON cycle I am going to run:

Red Yeast rice Great for Lowering cholesterol levels.

Hawthorn berry


For shut down I will be running Hcgenerate.

I will not be running milk thistle on cycle due to I hear it shuts down androgen receptors.

Post cycle: I will Be running Nolvadex at 40/30/20/20 During that I will be running formestane also at 90mg E.d Also with 2000mg of milk thistle daily.

My diet is pretty well on track Im gonna Start my bulk load before my cycle to try n reach 170 which should be pretty easy I just want to reach the 190 mark before summer. Don't wanna be to much bigger would look funny with my height. My diet will consist of mostly High calorie/Protein/Carbs. I am not going to put out everything I will eat on a daily base but I will put an estimate of what I will be taking In.
Protein: 295 grams E.d

Carbs: 600 Grams E.d

Calories: 4000 E.d

Here are some pictures of me before cycle. to give you an idea of my body structure, And I will post some after cycle as well. If theres anything It seems I have missed let me know Please any support will be needed. Feel free to follow the log I will be posting in 6 days from now Would love the support.
might want to throw in liv52, superdrol is harsh on that liver. looks good though. what about throwing in the forma-stanzol?? see if that helps as well?

yeah and from the pics, that 18% is way off.
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I tend not to run pre workouts like Jacked that can raise my blood pressure while on cycle. thats just me though. good luck with the cycle man. SD is awesome.
im using Nutracoastal S-drol. but it kinda has the chemical formula of DMT . DesoxyMethylTestosterone. And I use jacked jacked because of Lethargy helps alot. I tend to not have highblood pressure on superdrol. suprisingly
im using Nutracoastal S-drol. but it kinda has the chemical formula of DMT . DesoxyMethylTestosterone. And I use jacked jacked because of Lethargy helps alot. I tend to not have highblood pressure on superdrol. suprisingly
im using Nutracoastal S-drol. but it kinda has the chemical formula of DMT . DesoxyMethylTestosterone. And I use jacked jacked because of Lethargy helps alot. I tend to not have highblood pressure on superdrol. suprisingly

imo I'd pick up some hcgenerate or another solid test booster to help combat the lethargy but then again I'm not a huge gan of pre workout drinks or pills but if high blood pressure isn't an issue for you then I would say your good to go