strength BA, BB tren conversion???


New member
what strenght of BA & BB should i use to fina pallets conversion??
I have 100% strenght BA & BB.
is water down of BA and BB necessary??
I've only ever used a kit for the pellets, but I would be wary of anybody telling you to use 5% ba, that's crazy, imo.

I would try for as little ba and bb as possible. Try starting out at what would be 1.5%ba and 5% bb to start out with (you might have to go up to 2% and 8%), and no you do not 'water down' the ba or bb.
lolololololol actually oh great Tx one 5% ba will work with pellets. add pellets, ba and oil. heat til pellets dissolve. shake well and place back on heat . after about 15-20 minutes filler will be stuck to the botttom. draw off gold carefully and filter. now if you wanna dissolve pellets before adding oil use 5% ba and 15% bb. add pelletts and solvents together, heat til the pelletts dissolve then add oil and shake. place on heat as per previous instucts.

these instructs dont have every minute detail as i dont feel like typing them all out. guess i could start sellin PB's world famous kits and PH's.

if you try this recipe and it dont work dont call me fussin. you jes did something wrong.

back in the day folks would use 5% sterile BA and sterile oil. heat, shake and let settle. draw off the gold and shoot without filtering. pioneers if you will.

a 20g box of Componet TH will yield about 267ml or so of 75mg/ml tren.

13 or 14ml ba
235ml or so oil
20g pellets

if you use bb 27ml
226ml or so oil
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pullinbig said:
lolololololol actually oh great Tx one 5% ba will work with pellets.

Yeah it'll work with pellets, but how the hell am I supposed to walk or move my arm after an inject. I did a conversion with 5% ba, I had to dilute the shit to 2.5%, and even then it was goddamn painful. But with 5%, it was insanely sore for 5 days, and that was with taking aleve constantly.

I have no idea where anybody got the idea that 5% ba was painless.
some are more prone to reactions from ba than others. same with certain hormones. 4ADne is a classic example. i use 5% ba as the first 5% of any solvent ratio.after that i add bb up to as high as 20% if needed. even with powdered tren i used 5% ba as the solvent and 100mg/ml is pain free and smooth. works wonderfully. doug fresh said ba bothers him too at 5%. tough break guys as you are deffinately in the minority. i have gone as high as 10% ba with no probs. guess im the lucky one.

on a side note 2% ba works well with bb making up the remainder of the solvent. pg works well too.
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pullinbig said:
tough break guys as you are deffinately in the minority.

Surprise surprise, tx craps out on another roll of the genetic dice. Gyno problems from tren, deca, at minimal doses...nolva isn't strong enough with test only at 500mg/week, need letro at 1.25mg/day or more at that dose - it's fucking ridiculous. Not to mention I was about 110lbs in high school (no joke).
TxLonghorn said:
Surprise surprise, tx craps out on another roll of the genetic dice. Gyno problems from tren, deca, at minimal doses...nolva isn't strong enough with test only at 500mg/week, need letro at 1.25mg/day or more at that dose - it's fucking ridiculous. Not to mention I was about 110lbs in high school (no joke).

i was 110 in the 5th grade. lololol

1.25mg/d of letro = about .5mg/ml of ana. i use as high as 4mg/d at times to control sides with ana. normally 1-2mg/d does the trick. that = about 3-5 mg/d letro. so you in good company oh brilliant one.

winny works wonders on the sides of tren. plus its is moderately anabolic as well. i likes me some Winstrol (winny).

i get sore nips if i look at bottle of test. tren will make um fall off with no Winstrol (winny) and ana.

another wonderful hormone is proviron. it is basically oral masteron (dht). great for holding sides down with some andro activety as well. if used in conjunction with nolva it is very effective.
pullinbig said:
some are more prone to reactions from ba than others. same with certain hormones. 4ADne is a classic example. i use 5% ba as the first 5% of any solvent ratio.after that i add bb up to as high as 20% if needed. even with powdered tren i used 5% ba as the solvent and 100mg/ml is pain free and smooth. works wonderfully. doug fresh said ba bothers him too at 5%. tough break guys as you are deffinately in the minority. i have gone as high as 10% ba with no probs. guess im the lucky one.

on a side note 2% ba works well with bb making up the remainder of the solvent. pg works well too.
yea 5% ba will usually dissagree with me. I find that I can tolerate up to 3% ba very well, maybe even consider it "painless".

then again...I did 4 weeks of IGF-1 which we all know is usually suspended in BA. Well more than a few times I ended up shooting it straight up, no cutting with bac water or anything. Were talking 100% ba. I only had a strong (and when I say strong I mean crippled strong) reaction to the ba once. All the other times were painless. Could be the ver small amount of ba.

I always wondered what causes the reaction. The % or the volume. Sure I can poke 1cc of 3% ba and itl be painless. But what about 4cc of 3%, thats 4x the ba, doesnt that count for anything, I mean we are talking site soreness, so i tend to believe in the total volume to an extent too.
pullinbig said:
i was 110 in the 5th grade. lololol

1.25mg/d of letro = about .5mg/ml of ana. i use as high as 4mg/d at times to control sides with ana. normally 1-2mg/d does the trick. that = about 3-5 mg/d letro. so you in good company oh brilliant one.

I did the arimidex at 1mg/day, then 2mg/day...and 2mg/day doesn't even compare imo to 1.25mg of letro. I was still getting gyno symptoms until I switched to letro. But then with letro, you got another problem, and that's impotence. At least I only need minimal amounts of cialis. Whoo-hoo, that's one for tx!

And were you doing 4mg of ana for half a gram of test? I swear, my body is apparently like a 13 year old girl...just waiting to blossom into womanhood. Fucking frustrating.
PB is a beast. If I were you, take 5g and see what'l hold it. start with 3/8 and work up. The worst thing that could happen is you work up to like 5/15, and then you'd just have to pull a little extra each time to get the proper dose. (assuming you planned your concentration around the 3/8, not the 5/15)
TxLonghorn said:
I did the arimidex at 1mg/day, then 2mg/day...and 2mg/day doesn't even compare imo to 1.25mg of letro. I was still getting gyno symptoms until I switched to letro. But then with letro, you got another problem, and that's impotence. At least I only need minimal amounts of cialis. Whoo-hoo, that's one for tx!

And were you doing 4mg of ana for half a gram of test? I swear, my body is apparently like a 13 year old girl...just waiting to blossom into womanhood. Fucking frustrating.

i like 13 year old girls.

no 4mg ana was for about 6-7g of juice per week.

never tried letro just know what the results wher i read of potency. but the study may have not been acccurate. if it works for you then have at it. viagra and the like gave me a terrible headache. big head not the little guy. you try clo instead? that should get the boys up and runnin. or try nolva/proviron combo. the proviron make you dick hard when you dont want it hard. cant imagine when thast would be but it happens. :eek:
TxLonghorn said:
Surprise surprise, tx craps out on another roll of the genetic dice. Gyno problems from tren, deca, at minimal doses...nolva isn't strong enough with test only at 500mg/week, need letro at 1.25mg/day or more at that dose - it's fucking ridiculous. Not to mention I was about 110lbs in high school (no joke).
i was 200 in the 8th grade :D
DADAWG said:
i was 200 in the 8th grade :D

I'm extremely envious.

Anyways, as far as the proviron, imo it's too expensive. Cialis is much cheaper, but I do love proviron. I have no idea how effective proviron is at reversing the problems with letro. Also, I've used the nolva/prov combo and it didn't do shit for me in terms of stopping gyno. Sure, I had a raging boner but I was pulling on my shirt because I couldn't stand it touching my nips...not something you want to do walking around in public.

As far as clomid, I don't think that would be enough to get me going, because when I was coming off I still had to use the letro and was using clomid and I was having problems.