got inspired by dadawg's post with magnusson deadlifting 1015
so ill repost his link to start it off
1015lbs deadlift- Benedikt Magnusson - YouTube
when you come across some incredible lifts/strong mofos post it up here
this is my favorite Serge Redding - 502lb. (228kg.) Clean & Press - YouTube
judging by the video it was in the 60s so that bastard could be all natural too ...and the way he pushes that 502lb over head drops my jaw each time i see it
so ill repost his link to start it off
1015lbs deadlift- Benedikt Magnusson - YouTube
when you come across some incredible lifts/strong mofos post it up here
this is my favorite Serge Redding - 502lb. (228kg.) Clean & Press - YouTube
judging by the video it was in the 60s so that bastard could be all natural too ...and the way he pushes that 502lb over head drops my jaw each time i see it