Sudden change in testosterone levels?


New member
Hello guys,

In about a years time i had my blood checked about 3 times, first time at a private labs with the results 10nmo/l. Few months later i decided to go to the doctor and bring the subject up, after a long discussion we had my testosterone checked again, this time about 11nmo/l. Fast forward a month or 2 i got reffered to an endo, explained everything that was going on and how shit i was feeling. He took another test and the results were 650ng/dl? But i still feel like shit and nothing has changed?

I have no idea whats going on

Your levels do typically fluctuate during the day, by not usually by 300 points (320ng/dl to 650ng/dl). Were all the labs taken first thing in the morning?

Have you ever used AAS or prohormones? Have you made any lifestyle changes such as sleep, diet, exercise, drugs?

It is also possible that the lab made a mistake.
Your levels do typically fluctuate during the day, by not usually by 300 points (320ng/dl to 650ng/dl). Were all the labs taken first thing in the morning?

Have you ever used AAS or prohormones? Have you made any lifestyle changes such as sleep, diet, exercise, drugs?

It is also possible that the lab made a mistake.

Thank you for your reply.

These labs were all take within 2 hours of waking up. I have never used AAS or prohormones. Neither have i really made any lifestyles change, i still lift 3-4x a week and proceed to eat healthy.
I must say lately i have been noticing that my skin is really drying out, joints are cracking and i am sweating alot, i read somewhere this could be estrogen related?
I get the same symptoms with high estradiol. Either way. Like Megatron eluded to, I would look into estrogens. In my experience, they are the larger culprit regarding feeling like shit.
I get the same symptoms with high estradiol. Either way. Like Megatron eluded to, I would look into estrogens. In my experience, they are the larger culprit regarding feeling like shit.

+1, estradiol is a shit of a hormone to get balanced. Too much and you feel like shit, too little and you feel like shit. I'm pretty certain the supposed 'roid-rage' is in fact 'estrogen-rage'.
Thanks for the replies guys, going to get my estro checked and a few other things at a private lab. I will keep you updated