SUGAR by any other NAME ....

Mrs P

New member
Americans consume an average of 22 teaspoons of sugar a day beyong what's naturally found in fruits, dairy and other foods.

That's tripple the amount of added sugar the American Heart Association says Women should eat 24 grams (six teaspoons)
For Men, it's 36 grams (nine teaspoons).

Put on your detective glasses & do a little detective work.
Study ingredient labels for added sugar's aliase, including:

Sorghum, Molasses, Honey, Evaporated cane juice, Sorbitol or Mannitol (So called Alcohol Sugars), fruit juice concentrate syrup (any kind) and ingredients ending in
'OSE" (Dextrose and Maltose, for example)

Here's some samples of these hidden sources of sugar:

Low fat french dressing..5 grams per serving

Barbecue Sauce.......9 grams per serving

Tomato Soup...........12 grams per cup

Hamburger Bun .........5 grams

Energy drinks ............Varies widelly, but one popular brand has 26 grams per 8.3 ounce can
I hate sugar, with the exception of an occasional energy drink if I am playing a game, but I usually go low-carb on those now(you know tastes like pee but still kicks).

On that note, I been wanting to find cane sugar to use for my cooking/sweetening. Working on getting my diet to be all custom made by myself, spending a couple days a week preparing ahead of time. Sugar is not necessarily bad, but the kind of sugar and how often you consume it...
I hate sugar, with the exception of an occasional energy drink if I am playing a game, but I usually go low-carb on those now(you know tastes like pee but still kicks).

On that note, I been wanting to find cane sugar to use for my cooking/sweetening. Working on getting my diet to be all custom made by myself, spending a couple days a week preparing ahead of time. Sugar is not necessarily bad, but the kind of sugar and how often you consume it...

Sounds like a plan, how are you getting Cane Sugar ? Are you talking about getting the actual sugar cane ?and making cane juice ?

Otherwise you wouldn't benefit more from Cane sugar than you do from (Brown/white sugar)being that is the same.

Brown sugar goes through the same process as white sugar, exept that white sugar has the added (Sulphur Dioxide) used to bleach the sugar.

So, is brown sugar like white sugar, but without the bleaching? Nope.

They are the same, but the Molasses wich are removed to make white sugar is added back in!
Some perceive that Brown sugar is more "natural" than white sugar, but is really Not.

So I agree is not that sugar is bad, as long as you don't over do it...
& keep your eyes open for the added sugars & their fancy names.
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