Suggestions for a Newbie

T Skillet

New member
Hey guys,

I stumbled onto this website while looking at various supplements and workout routines, thought I'd ask a few questions.

First off, I'm 6'1", 192lbs, probably more body fat than most of you have put together. To be honest, I just began working out a couple of months ago and am more of a casual-type. My wife and I go three times a week and I'll do the elliptical for about 45min and do some upper body as well.

My main desire is to lose fat, and for the past two months I've been taking Alli. So far I've lost about 13lbs through a combination of dieting (cutting fat, increasing protein), and working out. I've hit a wall where I'm no longer losing weight, and fluctuating around 192lbs.

Are there any supplements that will speed up the process? I'm pretty much willing to try anything as long as I don't feel like crap when I'm at work (federal gov't desk job, not very active lol). My primary concern is fat loss, not muscle gain.

Help me out guys! Thanks!
Run, run, run. If you can't run, then bike. Swimming is also good for shedding pounds. Seems like you're already on the right track with the dieting and Alli. Just keep your diet right, and maintain a steady cardio routine, and you should see those pounds burn away.

There's a great running schedule to follow on this site: BUDS Warning Order and Going Navy Special Warfare / Operations - Programs at

Like I said... If you have bad knees, ankles or something and can't handle running, then go for biking or swimming. Don't overdo the running though. Stress fractures are something you really don't want to experience. Good luck!
Is there a better supplement for fat loss than Alli?

I have heard good things about Alli, and I know a few people who have had great luck with it. I would say if it's working for you, which it seems to be, then stay with it. If you happen to get a craving, and you think it might throw off your diet if you eat, try replacing that food with some quick physical training. A quick session of PT is very good at helping you to pass on a craving.
You are going to hit walls in your work out for as long as you work out. I have always heard to change things up every 6 weeks and you should continue to see results. although Alli is great you might want to go off it for about 2 to 4 weeks and try something else then go back on Alli. your body will naturally adapt to what ever you put in it so like I said just change things up for a few weeks:Present:
To be honest you don't need anything. If its just fat loss just every day make sure your doing something. If its not picking up weights, do ab work outs, and RUN!