Suggestions for E2 levels on TRT, please.


New member
I've been on TRT for about a year and I think I'm where I want to be as far as testosterone goes, but I'm not sure about E2.

As you may know, Quest's normal range for test is 250-827, and E2 is < 39.

I always pin 1x per week and I get blood done at 3.5 days out in the AM while fasting.

First go round I was taking 200mg 1x PW, test was 2229 and E2 was 103. I wanted to start without an AI and adjust from there. I felt GREAT! But this is obviously too high on both fronts, so we went down.

Next go I was taking 150mg 1x PW and 1mg Arimidex 1x PW, test was 1476 and E2 was 29. Test was still kinda high for 3.5 days out, and I felt off from the AI. So I requested to drop the AI and go down in test dose.

Most recent results on 100mg 1x PW and no AI, test was 627 and E2 was 46. E2 is just slightly high and I really don't want to take an AI for that far off.

What do you guys think about this E2 situation?
Why you dont wont Take AI (at reduct dosage of 0.5 or 0.25 for week for example)?
How many days away are the dose change tests?
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I have to agree with Mega as my situation is the same 100mg 1x PW and no AI, test was 750 and E2 was 39. If an AI is not needed then thats a good thing. Has there been any studies on long term use of an AI in males?
Thanks, guys. I didn’t think 46 was too high either. But I wanted some opinions.

And I was also curious about a long term AI. It scares me more than test alone.
Why you dont wont Take AI (at reduct dosage of 0.5 or 0.25 for week for example)?
How many days away are the dose change tests?

I’m afraid to, since E2 is so fickle. 46 is really close to norm, and I don’t want to feel like shit.

I’ve been doing a protocol for about 3 months at a time before blood work and about 3.5 before the appointment and change.
Thanks, guys. I didn***8217;t think 46 was too high either. But I wanted some opinions.

And I was also curious about a long term AI. It scares me more than test alone.

I am in a similar situation too, with 150mg test per week I have e2 at about 60-80 (with non-sensitive test, probably the correct level it's about 50), after the first test of e2 I tried arimidex at 1mg per week but I felt unwell so I did tests and found elevated transaminases (about 200 out of <40), I then stopped arimidex and assumed zinc, but after a few days I resented e2 high (libido libation, mood swings) so I restarted arimidex at 0.25mg per week, I hope this does not provoke transaminases high, because it's really a low dosage. If in 3 weeks the transaminases are high I will have to decide whether to try proviron (in my country it is legal and has no impact on the liver) which is a weak anti-estrogen.

using AI throughout the TRT makes me worry more about testosterone given the liver stress that created me 1mg for only 3 weeks, using it for TRT means using it all my life and makes me very worried.
Went to the doc today. They weren’t concerned with E2 at 46.

We’re going to continue at 100mg per week with no AI, unless I go over 55 E2 or I start to feel high estrogen sides.

I’m probably going to get blood work done on my own this go round. I want to see what my levels are 1 day after injection and 7 days.

I’ll keep everyone updated with those results.
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Good idea on the 1 day and 7 day after, I was thinking the same - wondering if 50 at 3.5 is 85 at 2..... or something along those lines.

Normal approach is test on the morning of your shot, which for me is 3.5 and for you 7.

Have you tried chopping up you capsule or tablet? It isn’t hard to do.
Went to the doc today. They weren***8217;t concerned with E2 at 46.

We***8217;re going to continue at 100mg per week with no AI, unless I go over 55 E2 or I start to feel high estrogen sides.

I***8217;m probably going to get blood work done on my own this go round. I want to see what my levels are 1 day after injection and 7 days.

I***8217;ll keep everyone updated with those results.

good to hear, thanks for the updates man!
I felt GREAT! But this is obviously too high on both fronts, so we went down.

This is lost on me. Massive facepalm. Non of the vets questioned.

So after you went down I didn't see mention how you felt.

I guess you are not on hcg or you would have mentioned it since that can contribute to aromatization. I dropped my hcg and increased my test by 50mg and was able to ditch my AI in the process. Have you considered pinning 2x/week there is less of a spike and theoretically less of an opportunity for aromatization.
This is lost on me. Massive facepalm. Non of the vets questioned.

So after you went down I didn't see mention how you felt.

I guess you are not on hcg or you would have mentioned it since that can contribute to aromatization. I dropped my hcg and increased my test by 50mg and was able to ditch my AI in the process. Have you considered pinning 2x/week there is less of a spike and theoretically less of an opportunity for aromatization.

When I added the AI, I felt off. I didn't feel like my libido was functioning properly.

Now, at 100 per week and no AI, I don't feel "GREAT" anymore, but I do feel right. If that makes any sense.

I've never considered pinning more than 1x per week for TRT because it's not convenient for me. Yes, doable, but not convenient. I used to pin 2-3 per week in my early days of cycling. But I haven't done one of those in years.
As mentioned above, it basically comes down to how you feel at your dosage. 100 mg per week is pretty low. I would definitely think you would NOT need an AI at that dosage.

Continue to get comprehensive bloodwork and adjust your dosage accordingly. If you do not feel great with the number you are at in your dosage, I would try 150 mg per week and see how you feel on that. You may have to adjust with an AI two times per week in order to offset the aromatization of a higher dosage.

Another point that has not been mentioned is if you are getting a regular E2 test or the sensitive Assay. I recommend getting the sensitive Assay (for woman) every time in order to get a more accurate number.
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I think you’re right, 100 is a modest dose. But I don’t want to be at some super physiological numbers on TRT. I just want to feel normal and be active.

I also don’t want bloat, high BP, or any extra compounds on my liver that I need to keep an eye on.

Maybe it’s lazy of me, but I think levels of 6-700 mid week aren’t bad and they require little maintenance.
I did a 100 Test E/wk cruise and was pleasantly surprised that it felt like enough. I do E3.5D and morning of the shot was around 670 test and E2 was in the 40's - a bit too high. This was on no AI.

So the question is can I get an AI dosage small enough to work at that dose, or should I bump up the Test dosage. Next time around I think I'll try 150 Test E/wk with a very small amount of aromasin to see how that works.
When I added the AI, I felt off. I didn't feel like my libido was functioning properly.

Now, at 100 per week and no AI, I don't feel "GREAT" anymore, but I do feel right. If that makes any sense.

I've never considered pinning more than 1x per week for TRT because it's not convenient for me. Yes, doable, but not convenient. I used to pin 2-3 per week in my early days of cycling. But I haven't done one of those in years.

OK my whole comment was based on treat the patient not the numbers and if you felt're not a rookie so you know what you're doing.