Suggestions for somone inexperienced


New member
Just started a 6 week cycle of anavar/oxandrolone. I am skinny, former distance runner. I'm 19 yo, 5'11", and 148 pounds. I am not trying to to lose fat since I don't need to. I just want to get more toned and a bit bigger. My friend who is helping me with this suggested I try anavar first (to see how I respond to it) and then do a cycle of something stronger like 6 months later. I would love any advice you have on diet, what sort of exercise to do, and anything else you can tell me I would love to know. If someone could explains what anavar does/how it works I would appreciate it. Does it increase testosterone very much? Are there many noticeable side effects? What have your experiences been like?

If you have any tips, I would love to hear them. Thank you.
1. you are way too young to be on AAS. you should wait til u are at least 24.
2. since you have no idea how to take this stuff you are clearly not ready to mess with these meds. hint, anavar only cycles are for females only and do not increase test. you would have figured this out if you had taken 15 minutes to read up on a proper beginner cycle (TESTOSTERONE ONLY) in fact u have probably already completely shut down your own natural production (hpa/hpta axis) get yourself some clomid & get off now. i say this not because im a hater, but because you are 5' 11'' And only 148 lbs. your problem is dietary. you need to eat way more & at least a gram of protein per lb you weigh. hit up 3J on here, i have heard nothing but awesome results from his diet plans. youre 19 bro, take advantage of your natural hormone supply. you'll be amazed on how big & shredded you can get with a proper diet, hitting the iron hard & young blood (19 yrs old)...