Ahhh none. Diet and cardio.
Screw the PH's get some real shit, and save ur liver.
I would'nt even know where to start where to get, test, tren, dbol,winny, anavar, injections, orals, how much to track pct's etc... ph simplicity pop a pill liver and pct.
Sorry but prohormones are not that easy. You need something for dry joints and blood pressure and prostate swelling too. And you still need an ai/serm on hand in case your body has a gyno reaction.
Dont get me wrong-PH's can be great and they are legal so that takes off some the worries. But they are still steroids and are still dangerous if you are not careful.
wtf thanks for schooling me I had no idea, sounds like id be doing more harm to myself then good, what do u reccomend? im like every1 else in here I want to look ripped and be strong
I know winnabol used to be a good cutting ph but it's been discontinued in the last few months. Most companies will have solid suggestions for the banned products when you go to there website.
The problem with PH's is that you really need to be in decent shape to begin with. The reason being is that you really shouldn't run them longer than 6 weeks-8 weeks if you push it. If you subtract the 1-3 weeks it will take for some of them to really kick in your only looking at about 4 weeks of effectivness. So if you're still getting in shape while on this cycle you're just wasting money. I'm saying this based on the stats you gave.
I would spend at least 8 weeks on exercise and diet first before beginning this form of supplmentation.
I am 5' 10" 220lbs. 23% body fat, looking to get to 12-15% what type of Ph's can help with that? thank's in advance
thanks grat but what are 3J's i just registered about a week ago?Weight loss but not muscle loss is a tough thing. U need to get a fine line of cals....
A little extra u gain fat. Little less.....lose muscle.
Trim some carbs out of a nighttime meal, do 12-15 min of cardio a the end of every workout. Maybe Katandrol, it's a cutting ph and I think the new version would be a good fit for u.
Have u thought about contacting 3J......??
He's on point.
I did a cycle of Katanadrol,which i cut short at 5 wks due to an injury, you can see my log..But even with diet on point you should cut some bf with cardio...These are not miracle drugs..It takes dedication I have been on point with everything since Oct and Im just starting to get where I want to be and thats 5 days a wk no breaks..And before you comment , I have 3 kids, School full time and Work full time![]()
Orbit Nutrition - Buy H-Stane (halodrol) By Dynamic Formulas Cheap! This one is a popular go but there area long list of ph's so doing some homework will help you make the right choice. Just remember just like creatine and other supps it only aids you diet and training must come first.
I am 5' 10" 220lbs. 23% body fat, looking to get to 12-15% what type of Ph's can help with that? thank's in advance