Summer cut cycle...........

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New member
Hey just wanted some advice on my current cycle bc in the past i have only ran bulk cycles so this will be my first time with a few of these compounds... i just came off a bulk cycle 2 months ago and lost 20lbs already with good diet and daily cardio and 1 cc if test enanthate EW. Im now 205lbs 5 10 and am already pretty lean but want to get bodyfat down some more.
Really just need to know if dosing is right.

Weeks 1 - 10

50mg Anavar ed

75mg Mast P MWF

75mg Tren A MWF

75mg Test E MWF ( i know test p would be better but i have a ton of enanthate so i figured i would use it)

12.5mg aromasin MWF (even tho ive never really needed it)
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Here's some thoughts:

I wouldn't think you need an AI on only 225mg of test per week. I wouldn't run it unless you need it.

Given the Test E, I would suggest going 12-14 weeks with the cycle.

Are you on TRT? If not, only waiting two months to start your next cycle is too fast. And if you are on TRT, has all of your blood work returned to normal?

I'm a little concerned about your diet (and body fat %) if you have dropped 20 lbs in the two months after ending your cycle. You normally want to try and hold the new weight after your cycle to let your body get used to the new setpoint. It sounds like you either lost a lot of your gains, or your body fat is too high for cycling.

Will you run PCT after the cycle or go back on TRT?

What's your age?

Have you run all of these compounds before?

Do you have a dopamine agonist on hand or will you be running one?
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