Super DMZ Rx 2.0..Erection problems

BTW I'm new to all this, I know close to nothing about them.

First off WHY would you put something in your body not knowing the effects and side effects? Also, who recommended you to double the dose? I hope you're taking a lot of liver support.

You are having libido issues because your natural testosterone production is shut down as will happen with all AAS and is why test is recommended as a base for EVERY cycle. At this point there's not really anything you can do but ride it out.

Do you have a proper PCT lined up?
Also, I'd prefer to not have to inject with anything.

Are there supplements online that I can use for the test that are actually effective?
As far as otc not really. I mean some good D aspartic products that people claim it does, but nothing like the real deal. Def agree you need to always have your pct before hand. PES Erase - The Best Estrogen Blocker Supplement For A Low Cost check out this product as well very popular in any ph cycle. I use it anytime I run a ph.

Great, I'll look into the PES Erase.

Do you have any links to specific test boosters? I know it won't work like the real deal, but I don't have any connections for that stuff so I'm being realistic here with my supplements.
BigD, it's a blend. There is 3 other different type of esters in that. You should look for the Testosterone Ethanate. Test E 250mg. Dose it once every 3.5 days for 12 weeks.
But BigD the amount for a 12 week cycle far exceeds a Test Gel you can get called Transaderm from Ruthless Supps I believe. I have used it with a pro hormone before and let me tell you, it definitely will fix your libido problem. Look for deals on it, I got it for like 90$ a while back. Definitely worth it for your problem and it'll fit the cycle. Put 5 squirts on your chest/shoulder area after a shower at night.
Are you taking liver support? N2Guard is good and should cover it but damn you really have no business with AAS. It's too late now so LISTEN to the advice you get and don't brush it off, otherwise you can really fuck yourself up. Liver support while on SDMZ and Test base asap, research and find a good PCT and ask for comments on what you come up with. If you can get test you can most likely get a SERM and that is what you will need if you end up running the Test-E for that long. If you doubled the dosage taper it down ESPECIALLY if you do not have any liver support, you need that ;) I hope you do A LOT of research and understand the jump you have made and get everything lined up for a proper PCT at the very least, I know you will find lots of help here so at least you found a good spot and brought the issue up. GOOD LUCK