Super DMZ Rx 2.0 - PCT


New member
I am considering starting a cycle of Super DMZ Rx 2.0, atm I have the DMZ and Advanced Cycle Support Rx both from IronMagLabs, as well as some Clomid. I have heard from some quick research that Clomid may not work as well as things like Arimidex and Letrozole, or if I should stack them as they have different properties. I was wondering if I could get some info/links or past experiences with DMZ as to what works well with this compound. I don't want to start the cycle until I have the post cycle therapy (pct) and everything squared away and know its the right option for me.
Hmm i've heard of DMZ. It has superdrol in it right? The stuff can be very harsh. I suggest you get blood work before the cycle to see how much test your working with. In case it is low, I would add some test e to the cycle at 250mg/week. That way when you come off of the DMZ you'll still have test in your system when you're shut down.
Also for post cycle therapy (pct), when it comes to something that harsh, I would use Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) for 2 weeks and clomid afterwards. There are plenty of post cycle therapy (pct) threads on this site that will help you with this. Best of luck!
I would stay away from Super DMZ. I took it in the past during my 7th or 8th AAS cycle within 2 weeks my kidneys were killing me and I was pissing what looked like old orange juice. Not only that but 2 of my buddies had purchased it too and they both had to stop within 2-3 wks different symptoms but same results.

Not worth it u will get more from Dbol.

Pro-Hormones = "all the sides without all the Benefits"