Superdrol/Test/NPP VS. Test/NPP/Tren ... which would you go for???


New member
Getting ready for my next bulk and need some opinions as far as compounds

goal is to pack on as much lean mass as possible while minimizing the bloat.

Superdrol : either first 4 weeks or last 4 weeks @ 20mg a day

Test Prop: for 12 weeks @ 300mg a week

NPP: for 10 weeks @ 700mg a week


Test Prop for 12 weeks @ 300mg a week

NPP for 10 weeks @ 600mg a week

Tren Ace for 10 week @ 600mg a week.

I have run Tren and NPP a couple of times already but not together (sides were minimal) ... always ran my 2nd compound higher than Test.... Yet i have never run Superdrol.

Caber, aromasin, HCG, TUDCA, NAC, Liv52, clomid and nolva for PCT... so the whole 9 yards.

Assuming the diet is dialed in and everything else is place, which cycle would you go for ? and would you adjust the numbers?

stats: 35yrs, 5'7, 190 pounds, 12%BF, 5 cycles already, lifting since high school.
If it were me, I'd run prop @ 150mg eod and tren 150mg eod. Full barrel each pin for a drastic physical transformation.
Bloat = Estradiol issues (hormone wise).

I run 2 19-nors all the time, you just have to be vigilant with E2 control, and be prepared with caber/prami. SD acts very quickly, and as long as you don't go overboard with doses (messes with appetite), it can rival just about anything IME.


Tren is the king of AAS for a reason. Of course, it really comes down to what you do with the drugs that matters. If your diet is lacking, or you don't train like a beast, you could take ALL the above, and be disappointed. ;)

My .02c :)
Bloat = Estradiol issues (hormone wise).

I run 2 19-nors all the time, you just have to be vigilant with E2 control, and be prepared with caber/prami. SD acts very quickly, and as long as you don't go overboard with doses (messes with appetite), it can rival just about anything IME.


Tren is the king of AAS for a reason. Of course, it really comes down to what you do with the drugs that matters. If your diet is lacking, or you don't train like a beast, you could take ALL the above, and be disappointed. ;)

My .02c :)

Thanks for your input... it just seems that the people that tell you to stay away from the 2 19-nors are the ones that read about how it's frowned upon yet they have never tried it themselves.

So i guess i am gonna have to run them both and adjust accordingly.
I've run tren with deca and like half mentioned keep e2 down AND have caber or prami on hand.

Can't comment on the sdrol as I've never used it
the first one, and run the superdrol the last 4 weeks. i cant imagine what its like running 2 19-nors at once at that dose. i also dont see the point in running two 19-nors at the same time they are already strong enough on its own, why stack them? as if you wont see crazy results with 300 test and 600 tren a week. 150-175mg test with 700mg tren ace has always worked wonders for me.