Supplaments for a firefighter


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My brother is entering the firefighting academy and is wondering what supplements he could take that would help him get the most of his training. He is 27 5'10" 195 about 13%bf. He has been lifting for years now, used to play football. He will be in the academy next month for 5 months 10hrs ed. He wants something for endurance, energy, and for muscle strength, he will be lifting weights and lifting heavy equipment and stair climbing. Along with eating a ton and good sleep, what supplements would he benefit the most from taking? I think right now he is taking creatine and protein shakes.

Thanks for a quick response guys.
Hey dude - didn't see this earlier - here's my 2cents. i think he could benefit from a good whey supp or a more complex protein supp like the one costco sells. the whey will be digested faster, but the more complex mix will include casein, soy, etc. all of which are metabolized at different rates. i think he could also benefit from some glyco maise after a heavy workout (it is tastless so best to mix with a protein shake). that will give him a quick boost of simple carbs after a heavy workout so he doesn;t use up muscle to fuel his recovery. BCAA's are also great - I'd take them after some strenuous exercise. def split up the supps throughout the day so that they are not all in the system at once. Eneregy supps are great too - like no-explode or other caffine based products - I'd only take those in the am so he can sleep well at night. the creatine is a great idea - i'd keep doing that too. And of course multi vits are great - i really like the Animal Pak - about 8 pills - covers everything from soup to nuts!

Good luck to him!
Hey thanks Lean, I thought the guys here didn't like me, hehe lol. I will let my bro know, looks like he is on some of the shit you recommended here, I will give him the list though. Thanks my friend...

Yo Bro - no prob - & def check out the Costco connection for the protein powder (chocolate) it's like 1/2 price of any other quality product! They also have muscle milk in bulk which is really cheap. Nice thing about MM is that u don't have to mix it but can stick one in your jacket or gym bag for a quick protein blast during the day (or during a class on fire prevention). BTW I tried all sorts of the protein bars - most are sweetened w/ malitol - gave me gnarly pharts! - not good for building comraderie IMO! LOL
The best thing he could do is eat a proper diet with lots of nutrients.

For supplements I would suggest a good multi-vitamin or greens concentrate. Something with some good B-6 complex.

Fish oils.

Protein powder.

Those are really the essential ones and the rest would be what he prefers.

I love evening primrose oil personally and it has has gama - lineoic acid...essential for the body although other supplements have this.

I also suggest saw palmetto....keep his prostate healthy. You men can never be too safe!
The best thing he could do is eat a proper diet with lots of nutrients.

For supplements I would suggest a good multi-vitamin or greens concentrate. Something with some good B-6 complex.

Fish oils.

Protein powder.

Those are really the essential ones and the rest would be what he prefers.

I love evening primrose oil personally and it has has gama - lineoic acid...essential for the body although other supplements have this.

I also suggest saw palmetto....keep his prostate healthy. You men can never be too safe!
Yo Miss Muscle - what dose u recommend for the saw Palmetto?
Sound diet with 5 - 6 small balanced meals daily, ton of water and Gatorade, keep doing functional strength work, chin ups, push ups, dips, sit ups, and cardio. FF is a tough job he will get a ton work just humping hose up 5 flights of stairs with 60 lb of gear on his back raising and lowering ground ladders, the list goes on and on. Tell him to be SAFE and to trust his ball busting instructors those guys know what they are doing. and best of luck to him. He sounds like he is in good shape, he will be fine he just gotta BE SAFE!! This is a very dangerous business he will learn to trust his brothers and sister firefighters. There is no better job!
The best thing he could do is eat a proper diet with lots of nutrients.

For supplements I would suggest a good multi-vitamin or greens concentrate. Something with some good B-6 complex.

Fish oils.

Protein powder.

Those are really the essential ones and the rest would be what he prefers.

I love evening primrose oil personally and it has has gama - lineoic acid...essential for the body although other supplements have this.

I also suggest saw palmetto....keep his prostate healthy. You men can never be too safe!

Thanks Miss, I will let him know. A healthy prostate makes for a happy man! Dont want to screw that up...