supplements info required please


New member

i'm looking for some advice on supplements. i have TONNES of questions and i'd really love for someone in the know to help me out.

i'm wanting to start taking creatine, glutomine and bcaa's as after some research these look like the best ones to take.

now the market is just swamped with so many different products, and i was looking for some general advice on what's good and what's just a con and not so effective. like, how much creatine is useful? when should i take it?
also - i've been told that monohydrate isn't that good because it causes water retention - which is useful for being able to lift heavier, but in terms of looking trim, ethyl ester may be better? does that sound about right?

what quantities of glutomine and bcaa's should i take? again, is there a better time to take these - ie before workout/post workout/before sleep?

thanks in advance!

female - 32
72kg (don't know what that is in lbs!)
heavy weights workout 5 days a week/cardio 2 days plus cross training (roller derby)
99% clean diet, no alcohol, no smoking

mon - chest and tri
tues - back and bi
wed - cardio & abs
thurs - legs
fri - lat/traps
sat - rest
sun - cardio & abs
Well so many different creatines have arrived, but creatine moo is still imo the best. It's basic works and isn't expensive. Everyone is different with their BCAA's, I know some that don't take any on the side if their protein has a sufficient amt. However i like to use the twinlabs ammino's pre and post workout. I seem to get more recovery. One of the best products I've used to this date is PNI Prodigy (25 Servings)

It will give you one hell of a punch in the gym. Check out they have a mass inventory and will email you with any questions. Good luck bud.
I agree with packers on most points. Creatine can cause some bloat regardless what kind you use. I always find mono to be my fall back. Just take 5g a day and you'll reach the saturation point soon enough, no need for drastic loading protocols.

BCAAs aren't really necessary unless you are cutting, so you can save your money on those. You get enough BCAAs from a hearty, meaty meal. I would take an amino acid supplement that caters more towards recovery. My favorite is always Genomyx Protocol.

Some people like glutamine, there are so many studies out there that say its a worthless supplement. It is cheap though so its your choice whether you want to try it out or not.

You can of course find all of these products for a good price at Orbit Nurtition.