Suppliments for bones


What are some suppliments that make your bones stronger?

Also, Do Anabolic Androgenic Steroids (AAS) have any effect on Bone density and such?

I'd like to do as much to prevent myself from getting a stress fracture from basic training. I've gotten two before, Once was When i was 13 when i stepped up my milage 300% in the course of a day. (going from 1 mile to three miles) which was pretty obvious. The next one i got right after football camp at age 17, which i'm not sure why it happened.

THis time i'm going to be training physically a year in advance. I'm going to try to be able to run 5 miles before i get to basic, right now i'm at 1.5 (yeah pathetic, but it's a start) and i want to slowly work my way up.

Besides suppliments, what excersizes are good for lower legs? I'm just doing sitting and seated calf raises.
I just read an article on bone density/health regarding low impact athletes like swimmers and cyclists (bicycle cyclists, not Anabolic Androgenic Steroids (AAS) cyclists). You need to give your legs a pounding - you need to be running frequently and run a lot further than 1.5 miles, just slow way down if you have to, but for your bones distance will help. Another study showed that running sprints for 6 minutes is similar (as far as the benefits to your bones are concerned) to running long distances as well. So, bottom line: run sprints and also do long, slow runs.

I would also say find out what causes your stress fractures. It could be the way you run (over-pronation or supination).