just my 2 cents-i would wait on the tren, by the way how many mg's per ml do have? run the sus 500mg a week for the 10 weeks and 30mg d-bol for 4 weeks-drink plenty of water and if you get on sus for 10 weeks it will shut your natural test production down so be ready for pct-prefer clomid, keep the nolva on hand for the gyno if it occurs. my personal experience 300mg clomid day 1-150 rest of the week-100 mg everyday week 2-then 50 mg everyday for week 3, but wait 2 weeks after your last test injection to start this.
now back to the tren-last big cycle i was on was test-e 3 times a week x 10-50mg d-bol a day for 5 weeks-600 eq a week x 10-100mg tren every other day and pct afterwards alot of sticks but worth the gain- so u can run it by itself or with test but i would wait til you have a few more cycles under your belt before you start it and i would take milk thistle and cran berry extract for the liver and kidneys-anytime you inject synthetics into your system u will shut down so always do pct afterwards-anyway my 2 cents hope this helps-later duckster