Sus250/DBOL Cycle - post cycle therapy (pct) recommendations please


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Sus250/DBOL Cycle - PCT recommendations please

Hi guys,

So this is how the cycle is being done.

Week 1-4 > 30mg DBol ED

Week 1-11 > 250mg Sustanon 250 E3D (would of done 12 weeks but this is all the Sus I have)

Now for post cycle therapy (pct) I have Nolvadex and Clomid on hand. So what recommendations would you guys have for a post cycle therapy (pct) for this kind of cycle?


Age> 24

Weight> 83kg

Height> 5'10"

BF%> 11-12%

Years training> About 6 on and off depending on injuries, motivation etc.

Diet> Well sorted, at least 6 meals per day and about 2g protein per pound of body weight.

Cheers for your help!
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A test e or cyp would have been a better choice than the Sustanon (sust) which takes so long to clear out (hint: you shouldn't start your post cycle therapy (pct) until the exogenous test concentration gets to under 200) but now that you already have the gear just make sure you know Sustanon (sust) half-life and know WHEN to properly start the post cycle therapy (pct).

You would also need an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) at hand because you're running a combo notorious for bloat. Do not start before getting an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) at hand because Nolva/Clomid will not help you with the bloat once you start. They are only the poor's man choice for gyno signs (with an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) being preferred anytime). High bloat without an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) means troubles with blood pressure so be aware.

And by the way you're a little light for your height and your years under the bar. From where did you start, weight wise?
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Thanks for your reply! I started out roughly around 65kg.. I thought I was doing alright for on and off training over the years.

I'm planning on starting post cycle therapy (pct) 3 weeks after last pin, sound good?

So you would recommend an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) like Arimidex or something else?

Also can u recommend any websites that would send to Australia.. I have more trouble get AI's and post cycle therapy (pct) more than the gear itself -_-

Thanks again :)
You need to do your own research and find out the Sustanon (sust) half-life then starting from 500mg/wk find out after how many days the blood levels will be under 200.

I can't recommend an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) over another one since I haven't use any. A-dex should be fine though some prefer A-sin and others letro.

For sites go check the site sponsors, GWP, RUI etc.