Sust 300, Fina 75, and Winni 50. Need help on decision. Ever tried it?


New member
What's up guys? My first thread.
I've been lifting for a while, going on 6 years. I've done a few test only cycles, a couple test and deca cycles. A total of 5 cycles in my life.
I currently just finished a Test Cyp 250 and Deca 250 cycle. Last couple weeks I threw in Winni. I have a week of Winni left and I have questions pertaining to my next cycle.
Finished up test cyp and deca, started Winni last week. Ran Test and Deca weeks 1-3. weeks 4-5 deca test and Winni. Week 6 Winni only.
My next cycle will be Sustanon 250, Fina 75 (which I think is Tren, I sure hope so), and Winni to finish up.
I want to start this cycle ASAP, looking forward to it. Has anyone tried this and does anyone have any pointers?

I don't like running Winni a lot, not a fan of it actually. But I love the way it gives me a hard look. I sure don't like running it without test either. But my questions are,
Is it okay to go ahead and jump into this next cycle? I am on week 6 (like described above), I hate to take winni without any test. I understand the after life of test so I didn't see the problem. But I wanted to go ahead and jump into my next cycle. But wanted to make sure it was fine before doing so. Basically what this means is:
Test Cyp Deca weeks 1-4
Test Cyp Deca Winni week 5
Sust Fina Winni week 6
Sust Fina week 7-8
Sust Fina Winni week 9-10
Winni week 11

What do you all think? My first winni cycle is an oral tab. Second cycle is a liquid you squirt under tongue. I have never tried the liquid, has anyone tried this kind and do you have any suggestions on how to use it? Do I squirt it under tongue and swallow, or let it set there for a while?

Last question. I do not take any anti estrogen or any other products while on juice. Only the stuff, vitamins, and protein. Always done it this way. Never had any problems other wise. I would get some if I needed it, but never needed it. This is by far the most I have done, so I'm a little worried I may need some this time. I can't get anything other then what's online or you get at GNC. So if you think I may need something for this cycle, let me know what it is, where to get it, and when to take it.

Love the forum guys. Appreciate your help. If you have anything bad to say, roll on. Say it somewhere else. I need good advice. I like results, not haters.

Stay Strong.