So I'm deployed right now and can't get ahold of any caber or aromasin. I have clom nolva and hcg. Just want to hear other thoughts about this cycle before running it.
Sust 1-10 500 wk (pin eod)
Tren a 3-10 150 wk (pin eod)
250 iu hcg twice a week and stop 4 days before pct
Pct will start two weeks after last pin
Clomid at 50 ed and nolva 20 ed for 4w
Sust 1-10 500 wk (pin eod)
Tren a 3-10 150 wk (pin eod)
250 iu hcg twice a week and stop 4 days before pct
Pct will start two weeks after last pin
Clomid at 50 ed and nolva 20 ed for 4w