Sust and Anavar, Finally crossed over to the DARK SIDE

Day 14. up 10 lbs, doesnt look like water weight either. feeling dense as hell, and getting crazy pumps in the gym. My gf and my boy both said I'm looking bigger. Cant wait for the Sustanon (sust) to really kick up. Kind of bummed about only having a week worth of Anavar (var) left. Oh well. Now a guestion about gyno. I dont have any fatty tissue popping up, nor any symptoms at all really, besides my nipples being a little sensitive, and I only noticed that when I pinched them to see if they were sensitive. So question is, should I start the nolva, or am I just fucking paranoid, and being overly cautious?
Thats what I've been doing since the get go. Fucking ass checks are SORE as shit. Fucking rolling over in bed hurts, could'nt even put on my left sock this morning. I think that I need to move away from from the glutes, but I'm kind of nervous to hit in the thigh. And the delts would def slow me down on all upper body movements. I've got to do something though
went into the right quad today. See how that feels tomorrow for legs, but it cant be worse then last weeks leg workout. Fucking ass cheeks were so sore I could nt squat for shit. Also have noticed acne popping up. On my head, face, ass, and thighs. Can any one let me know whats worked for them? Thanks
[B said:
Kind of bummed about only having a week worth of var left[/B]. Oh well. Now a guestion about gyno. I dont have any fatty tissue popping up, nor any symptoms at all really, besides my nipples being a little sensitive, and I only noticed that when I pinched them to see if they were sensitive. So question is, should I start the nolva, or am I just fucking paranoid, and being overly cautious?

lucky13 said:
you will sorely miss the var once it's gone though...I'd order some more and run 50mg ED for 6weeks may also want to run an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) thoughout.

It's...It's like I saw the future :D

I'd run something like AIFM or aromison during your cycle...
I ordered the AIFM today. No real problem in the chest are as far as gyno goes, but nips are a little more sensitive then usual. So the right quad went so well that I hit the left the next time, and yesterday went back into the right glute, which feels a hell of a lot better. Plus I was inch and half 23g, and I switched to one inchers, which obviously put it at a closed depth, and away from where I was going. Ass was getting lumpy there for a min. On the scale today at the gym, fucking 223 in my boxers. Only been 3 weeks and up 15 pounds. I'm fucking stoked about that. Granted my body fats a litlle high right now, but I'm pleased so far. The var is gone, but I could'nt tell today in the gym. Fucking pumps have been NUTS. Painfully so. :)
Other then that same old shit. Grazing all day long like a fucking cow, training like a beast, and fucking like a porn star. Lifes pretty fuckin good, huh?
Been a while since I posted. A little over 4 weeks in, up 17 lbs. New Years eve fucked me all up. Drank life a fish, slept half the next day away. Talk about catabolic, I dont think I ate for 15 hours. But I got a bunck of empty colories from beer, so at least my body had some thing to work with.
Been using the AIFM for about a week now I guess, and it took care of what ever that sensitivity on my nips and chest was.
In the past 2 weeks acne has become a problem. Face, head, legs and ass are all broke out. Bought soap and cream with benzoyl peroxide, and it works a bit, but dries the shit out of my skin. What helps you guys with acne?