Sust/Deca/Dbol..Domination Time Cycle 2


New member
Alright, so I will be starting my second cycle this Monday, 10/25/10. My first cycle was Test E & Dbol. I have this cycle planned out as follows...

1-4 dbol 30mg/day
1-16 sust 750/week
1-14 deca 400/week
17-20 prop 525/week

I will be running aromasin throughout @ 12.5mg/eod. I will also be using HCG for the first time (didn't run it with my first cycle). HCG dose will be 250iu 2x/week. Clomid for PCT.

I'll pin the sust Mon, Wed, and Fri (3x/week) and pin deca on Mon and Fri (2x/week).

191 lbs.
14-15% bf

In addition to the strength and mass gains, I'm interested to see if deca will have any effect on my lower back pain resulting in sciatica in the right leg. i'll update this log daily or every other day and will recap each week just like my first cycle (if you followed it).

As for diet, I'll be consuming anywhere from 4,000-5,000 cals a day with at least 300g/protein daily. im sure they'll be days i don't reach this, but i'll try my best.

So for the time being, if you have any questions or anything, feel free to ask..until then, I'll start Day 1 on Monday!! :wink2:

---------WEEKLY RECAPS-----------
Week 1:

Week 2:

Week 3:

Week 4:

Week 5:

Week 6:
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Alright, so I will be starting my second cycle this Monday, 10/25/10. My first cycle was Test E & Dbol. I have this cycle planned out as follows...

1-4 dbol 30mg/day
1-16 sust 750/week
1-14 deca 400/week
17-20 prop 525/week

I will be running aromasin throughout @ 12.5mg/eod. I will also be using HCG for the first time (didn't run it with my first cycle). HCG dose will be 250iu 2x/week. Clomid for PCT.

I'll pin the sust Mon, Wed, and Fri (3x/week) and pin deca on Mon and Fri (2x/week).

192 lbs.
14-15% bf

i'll update this log daily or every other day and will recap each week just like my first cycle (if you followed it).

As for diet, I'll be consuming anywhere from 4,000-5,000 cals a day with at least 300g/protein daily. im sure they'll be days i don't reach this, but i'll try my best.

So for the time being, if you have any questions or anything, feel free to ask..until then, I'll start Day 1 on Monday!! :wink2:

Sust has prop in it pin it EOD.
Day 1 - Monday 10/25/10

Weight: 192 lbs.

200mg Deca
250mg Sust
30 mg Dbol

Did my pin early this morning after waking up. Loaded up the deca and sust which came out to be 1.8 ml and aimed for the right quad. For whatever reason, I was a little nervous. It took me a few mins. Anyhow, I slid it in and wouldn't u know it I hit my fuckin sciatic. What a bitch. Leg jumped up quick. It was pretty cool. Anyhow, I hit it again a lil more over to the side and it was fine. Seemed to take forever to inject but whatever. Anyhow, it went fine. Now a few hours later it's sore as hell. Feels like I have the biggest knot in that area. I remember a little soreness on my test e cycle, but this is a little more. It's all good though i'm sure ill get used to it. Im going to pop 30mg dbol in a few mins. and head to the gym in a little to blast bis and back.

Edit - Just got back from the gym. Blasted back and bis. I'm not sure if its the weather or not, but I was definitely sweating a lot more than usual. HR was up a little as well. Had a solid workout overall.
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Day 2 - Tuesday 10/26/10

Weight: 190 lbs.

30mg Dbol

Just got back from the gym. Worked chest and tris. Had a good overall workout. Took my 30mg of dbol about an hour before working out and although it's only day 2, I can feel it taking effect. Good stuff overall.
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20 weeks? holy f.... r u fo real?

Anyway, I hope to run the same cycle soon, but it will be shorter:

1-4 week: dbol 40mg
1-10 week: deca 350mg
1-10 week: sust 700mg
20 weeks? holy f.... r u fo real?

Anyway, I hope to run the same cycle soon, but it will be shorter:

1-4 week: dbol 40mg
1-10 week: deca 350mg
1-10 week: sust 700mg

ya my man. deca is only for 14 weeks, and smart thing is to run test a couple weeks longer than the deca. im then switching to about 500mg/week prop since it's a short ester test.

if i were you, i'd definitely extend your deca to 12 weeks and sust to 14.
Day 3 - Wednesday 10/27/10

Weight: 191 lbs.

250mg Sust
30 mg Dbol
12.5mg aromasin

Popped 30 mgs dbol and then worked out delts and abs this morning. Added another delt exercise to my usual routine. Sweating more than usual. Overall, a solid workout.

Pinned 0.9 ml sust into right ventro glute. first time doing a ventro glute pin. awesome.
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Day 4 - Thursday 10/28/10

Weight: 190 lbs.

30 mg dbol

Worked bis and back today. Felt exhausted through the whole workout. Sweating like an animal, which isnt normal for me. I'm assuming it's the Sustanon (sust). I completed my workout, but I feel drained and out of energy.
Day 5 - Friday 10/29/10

Weight: 191 lbs.

30 mg dbol
12.5 mg aromasin
250mg sust
200mg deca

Worked chest and tris today. Had a much better workout than previous days. Pretty good chest pump throughout the workout. Was able to increase reps on almost every exercise. Felt real good. Came home and pinned left quad. this time i heated up the gear a bit and things went much smoother and faster.
Day 8 - Monday 11/1/10

Weight: 192 lbs.

30 mg dbol
12.5 mg aromasin
250mg sust
200mg deca

I take weekends off, so there's really no point in reporting saturdays and sundays.

I worked bis and back today. Had a great workout. Felt pumped up throughout and strength is increasing. Was able to hammer our more reps on most exercises and increase weight slightly. Nothing else to report really. I'll follow up this evening with a Week 1 Recap.
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Week 1 Recap

Week 1 Recap: 10/25/10 - 11/1/10

Week 1...192 lbs.

All in all, week 1 went according to plan. First few days resulted in some heavier sweating than usual. I also developed an odd metal/tin kind of taste in the back of my throat. I introduced a new pin site in the ventro glute and love it. Smooth as butter. Was sore afterwards, but probably because it was virgin muscle. Today I actually got some blood when I aspirated, so I guess I hit a vein. Anyhow, I just pulled it out and hit another spot about an inch over and all went well.

Today I really felt pumped throughout my workout and strength is increasing as I'm able to bump up the weight and/or reps on all exercises.

As for the diet, it's been pretty good. I've been hovering around 250g protein/day. I'm going shopping tomorrow, so I'll be able to bump this up to 300g/day.
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Day 9 - Tuesday 11/2/10

Weight: 193.5 lbs.

30 mg dbol

Worked out chest and tris today. Felt awesome. Really pumped. Was able to increase reps and weight on almost all exercises. Pumped out 3x8 DB flys with 70 lb DB's perfect form.

Lovin it. Gonna head off to the store in a bit and pick up more cottage cheese, protein, and other goodies
Day 10 - Wednesday 11/3/10

Weight: 193.5 lbs.

30 mg dbol
250mg sust
12.5mg aromasin

Pinned right ventro glute. Worked out delts and abs today. Felt energized throughout my workout. Sweating rather heavily but its all good.
Day 11 - Thursday 11/4/10

Weight: 194.5 lbs.

30 mg dbol

Killed my workout today. Felt good throughout. Lots of sweating and heavy lifting. Had a pretty good back pump throughout the workout. Killed biceps as well. Tried to be careful to not overtrain, but definitely hit it hard today.
doing pretty much the same cycle right now just doing 500mg of sust and 400mg of deca and 30mg of dbol. Kinda crazy though Im on day 14 and went from 215 too 224 its pretty crazy so far.
doing pretty much the same cycle right now just doing 500mg of sust and 400mg of deca and 30mg of dbol. Kinda crazy though Im on day 14 and went from 215 too 224 its pretty crazy so far.

that's some serious size right there in only 14 days haha. i have a feeling if i wasnt taking my Aromatase inhibitor (AI), i'd be up another 3-4 lbs. just of water. im a chunky guy to begin with, so i gotta hold back on the water retention as much as possible.

good luck with your cycle, im sure youll see great gains bro!
Day 12 - Friday 11/5/10

Weight: 195 lbs.

30 mg dbol
12.5 mg aromasin
250mg sust
200mg deca

Chest/tris today. Felt great. Energized throughout. Weight going up, strength steadily increasing.
Day 15 - Monday 11/8/10

Weight: 195 lbs.

30 mg dbol
12.5 mg aromasin
250mg sust
200mg deca
250 iu HCG

Well today is the start of week 3. I started my Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) today. talk about super concentrated. the Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) i have is 5,000iu/ml. so since i'll be doing 250iu 2x/week, I picked up some slin pins and filled up the pin to the .05 mark which according to my math equates to 250 iu. anyhow, i shot it subq to the right of my naval. painless.

As for my workout, today i blasted back and biceps. had a great pump throughout the workout and strength is going up. I feel pretty damn good!

As for diet, it wasn't so great over the weekend. I didn't eat anything too bad, but my protein intake wasn't near the 300g/day i'm used to. I had a few drinks sat. night, but nothing over the top. Anyhow, it's back to business today so my diet will be back on track!

I'll provide a Week 2 Update either later today or early tomorrow morning