Sust dose.....side effects second cycle will be 250 mgs sust eod. So 875 mgs test... is it too much ? I think no bcz studies say 600 mg weekly isnt much. So 875 mgs maybe a bit higher. Right? second cycle will be 250 mgs sust eod. So 875 mgs test... is it too much ? I think no bcz studies say 600 mg weekly isnt much. So 875 mgs maybe a bit higher. Right?

Let's stay focused on your first cycle for now. 500mg/wk is a good dose for a first cycle.
Just pin the sustanon at 100mg or so every other day,, whats the big F'ng deal. that's your answer

maybe he want to buy only from pharmacy and these may come only in 1 ml 250mg glass vials usable for one time pin, that's why question was about 875mg/week 3.5 days(EOD)*250=875mg/week
As from my experience I'm totally fine with 2 pins week and don't see any issues here... fast acting prop is only 30mg from 250mg just 12% other esters are no problem deconate longest ester from other hand stabilize these fluctuations so blood levels may fluctuate max 10% between pins with enanthanate maybe it would be 5% so 5% max difference it's not big deal...
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maybe he want to buy only from pharmacy and these may come only in 1 ml 250mg glass vials usable for one time pin, that's why question was about 875mg/week 3.5 days(EOD)*250=875mg/week
As from my experience I'm totally fine with 2 pins week and don't see any issues here...

That's easily fixed. Buy sterile vials and draw all the liquid from the amps. Then put all that liquid in the sterile vial. 10, 1mL amps will fill a 1, 10mL vial.
You're not going to get admins to tell you anything other than the right way.

Pin it eod.

If you're using amps, draw the whole amps worth, put all of the solution that you don't want to use that day into a sterile vial, then change needle and inject what you do want to use.