250mg ew was a bit of a waste. yes you could do 500mg/wk... did you use an AI during cycle to control estrogen? did you do a PCT last time? how long did you use sust last time?
^ to see if you are ready to be doing this effectively and safely
what are you talking about? you dont get stroke from sciatic nerve. and you avoid nerve by pinning properly. the upper outer quadrant of butt cheek. (google glute injections). quads are more of hassle and worse spot IMO. id go with delts or glutes but you need to take it slow and do ALOT of research before doi or buying anything. must be safe : )
Bro i know how to inject from glutes. But what if i do wrong? I want to be safe side. If quadriceps are more safe , i wanna do from there.
https://encrypted-tbn2.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcROvyCMdseF4XDbE_wIpDbpV1wSQUkgNdB7Zs9aRZYGh8utB167nVnmCBzhIt doesn't sound like you know how to inject anywhere. Just relax. You'll be fine.
I've hit veins, nerves, and god knows what else. It was, and still is a learning process. You're not going to pop a blood vessel in your brain.
400-500mg every week for the whole time i would recommend. 12 to 14 weeks long of sust. use AI during cycle ( i rec dex 0.25mg eod) and pct like you say of clomid and tamox.
I have been injecting in my quads using a 5/8 insulin syrange since June 2x a week. No issues what so ever - no bleeding, nerve etc. painless as well.
Hi. I cycled sustanon 250/weekly and i wanna do that again. I love sustanon feeling. Can i use first week 500 mg for fast feeling?
Use test prop, and in 5 years come back and look at this thread if you are not a troll. This is lower than bush league. I suggest you take a momnent and read steroid profiles and do some reasearch.