Sustanon 250 PCT - Question about the rigth dosage after reading the forum


New member

First of all, i am sorry for my poor english this is not my first language.

I was 6.3 and 170lbs - 29 years

I just finished my first cycle last week. I did a 12 week sustanon 250, 3/week injection of .5CC, and 1 tab of arimidex everyday.

I gained around 15pound of muscle and did not have any downside. I am really happy with that cycle and already thiniking about the next one.

Now it's time to do my PCT. I've read a lot on this forum and other source but i just want your opinion because im a little bit confused.

I bought 1 bottle of 50 tabs 25MG clomid and 1 bottle of 50 tabs 25MG novaldex...

What i found the most relevant was this :
Day1 300mg Clomid + 20mg Nolvadex
Day 2-11 100mg Clomid + 20mg Nolvadex
Day12-21 50mg Clomid + 20mg Nolvadex

My question is : Mine are 25MG tabs i am suppose to cut a piece or take 25mg everytime ? I might look stupid but i dont want any problem after my cycle...

I am suppose to do this ?
Day1 : 12 TAB Clomid + 1 TAB Nolvadex
Day 2-11 : 4 TAB Clomid + 1 TAB Nolvadex
Day12-21 : 2 TAB Clomid + 1 TAB Nolvadex

Thanks for your answer :)
Hi and welcome to the board :wavey:

Listen I an not a PCT guru but they will chime in soon to help. I can tell you it does not look good at all. Stay on here and bump your thread every now and then and they will get to you.

Sounds like you had a good cycle. You are holding just a littler water at a 17 lb gain.

Could you please spell out the entire cycle protocol and some more of your history and time in training ? :)
Do you know the specific blend? Different esters will take longer to clear. The 750 mg so will take time to clear your system. Tankmanbob has been posting a lot about this recently. If you PCT while your levels are high you pulled the trigger to soon. Hopefully he will come in with the cool graphs he has been posting!