Sustanon and pro-tren. Is good?


New member
What do you think?
I never used the sustanon, only ever propionate

1-8 Sustanon 500mg
3-8 Proviron 25mg
1-4 Pro-tren (19-norandrosta-4-9,diene-3,17-dione) 100mg
4-8 oxandrolone 30mg

10-14 tamoixfene 20 mg

Current situation:
Bw 90kg
H: 180cm
Bf: 10%
go with teste or cyp, or even prop if thats what you like. sust has soem really slow ester thats not optimal for cycling IMO. but even if you use sust it should be a MIN of 12 weeks. and wait 3 weeks to start pct thanks to the super slow ester. unless i was getting a crazy cheap deal on sust i wouldent bother with it personally.
maybe drop one of the orals also, my 0.2