sustanon / enanthate 3rd cycle


New member
sup guys, i'm planning my 3rd cycle. thinking of doing the following:

1 - 5 500mg/week sustanon 250 split into two injections
6 - 10 500mg/week test enanthate split into two injections
1 - 10 600iu HCG @ 300iu twice a week
1 - 12.5 0.25mg arimidex EOD

PCT 2.5 weeks after last enan pin
clomid 75/75/50/50/25/25
nolva 40/20/20/20

so basically i wanna switch from sustanon to enanthate mid cycle
the idea is to bulk like there's no tomorrow
i promised myself all i'm ever gonna do is test so no orals, deca, tren, etc. just test in it's different esters
sup guys, i'm planning my 3rd cycle. thinking of doing the following:

1 - 5 500mg/week sustanon 250 split into two injections
6 - 10 500mg/week test enanthate split into two injections
1 - 10 600iu HCG @ 300iu twice a week
1 - 12.5 0.25mg arimidex EOD

PCT 2.5 weeks after last enan pin
clomid 75/75/50/50/25/25
nolva 40/20/20/20

so basically i wanna switch from sustanon to enanthate mid cycle
the idea is to bulk like there's no tomorrow
i promised myself all i'm ever gonna do is test so no orals, deca, tren, etc. just test in it's different esters

Thats what we all said in the beginning muahahaha
"okay I'm just going to do one cycle of a PH....wait no one cycle of test...okay yeah one cycle of test thats it.....and maybe some dbol....okay lets use some SD....damn this is fucking amazing.....BLAST AND CRUISE.....epi? nice!....okay, what's this tren shit? deca?...okay let's use those after a lot of research....WOW this is crazy why the hell did I not use tren from the beginning....I LOVE THIS SO MUCH I'M NEVER COMING OFF"

I would pin the sustanon eod first four weeks, then I would pin it e3d it has allot of fast esters. Other wise you will be on a test roller coaster.
Test is test. An ester has nothing to do with test itself.[/url]

i know test is test, that's why i said i'm only ever gonna do test and plan a sustanon and enanthate cycle. not sure how you conclude from the OP that i think the esters make the test different.

Your hcg dose is off and so is the duration.[/url]

how is my hcg dose off? 300iu twice a week from week 1 until 3 days before PCT starts.
sup guys, i'm planning my 3rd cycle. thinking of doing the following:

1 - 5 500mg/week sustanon 250 split into two injections
6 - 10 500mg/week test enanthate split into two injections
1 - 10 600iu HCG @ 300iu twice a week
1 - 12.5 0.25mg arimidex EOD

PCT 2.5 weeks after last enan pin
clomid 75/75/50/50/25/25
nolva 40/20/20/20

so basically i wanna switch from sustanon to enanthate mid cycle
the idea is to bulk like there's no tomorrow
i promised myself all i'm ever gonna do is test so no orals, deca, tren, etc. just test in it's different esters

A big problem with this cycle is that you are going to end up with fluctuating blood levels running it the way you are.. that's gonna result in estrogen spikes and fluctuations and thus more negative side, acne, water retention, bloat, gyno, etc..

If your dead set on running both sustanon and enathanate , which is dumb in my opinion, but if you are at least do it better..

weeks 1-5 - Sustanon 100 mg eod
weeks 1-10 - Test E 500 mg per week - 250mg inj twice a week

you'll end up with more stable levels this way, less negative sides, better results
:Pat::Pat::Pat::Pat::soap::insane:Great advice, people always miss use sustanon, I know I did....I always pin 250 iu Mon, Thur..... Hcg can also be pinned with your test.
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Well, if you would've taken the time to read that link you would've noticed that hcg is ran up to pct. Why are u stacking sust and test e? It doesn't make a bit of sense at all...
sup guys, i'm planning my 3rd cycle. thinking of doing the following:

1 - 5 500mg/week sustanon 250 split into two injections
6 - 10 500mg/week test enanthate split into two injections
1 - 10 600iu HCG @ 300iu twice a week
1 - 12.5 0.25mg arimidex EOD

PCT 2.5 weeks after last enan pin
clomid 75/75/50/50/25/25
nolva 40/20/20/20

so basically i wanna switch from sustanon to enanthate mid cycle
the idea is to bulk like there's no tomorrow
i promised myself all i'm ever gonna do is test so no orals, deca, tren, etc. just test in it's different esters

It says in your post hcg weeks 1-10...
many of you claim sustanon is to be pinned EOD because blood levels and what not, do you have blood tests from 2 different individuals one of whom pinned EOD and the other twice a week to back your claims?

until i see said blood tests to me that claim is broscience. my last cycle was 250mg sustanon pinned twice a week and it was a great cycle. no acne at all (unlike my enanthate cycle) and much less water retention (same arimidex dosage as my enan cycle).

have any of you actually tried a sustanon only cycle both ways and then derived a conclusion? cause to me it looks like everybody just repeats what they read in this and other forums.

and yes i made a mistake regarding the HCG in my OP. i know HCG is run until a few days before PCT starts
I always find it funny how people post there cycle plans and don't like the critique they get. If you know it all why post your cycle.
So if test is test, and you've said that you know this, then why the contradicting bullshit? Your saying test e had different sides then sust! Come on bud...
When a short ester in sustanon has a half life of two days,, Why would we need blood tests to back it up, The half life is two days, period,, so that compound is out of your system in two days period.
Don't need blood work, Just a little common sense* to know blood levels would fluctuate

* which isn't all that common

Your last cycle running sustanon went well injecting just twice per week,, Fine but it could have went better.. You don't want an optimal cycle plan, so be it but don't ask then
I always find it funny how people post there cycle plans and don't like the critique they get. If you know it all why post your cycle.

and i find it funny how just because someone questions something everybody gets all pissed off.

So if test is test, and you've said that you know this, then why the contradicting bullshit? Your saying test e had different sides then sust! Come on bud...

suddenly i dont know what test is because my sides in one cycle were different from the other one? not sure i get your logic..

i appreaciate good discussions, with different points of view, but some of you guys just can't stand hearing a different opinion from yours. no blood work to back your claims = no evidence of nothing and therefore just a hypothesis.
i appreaciate good discussions, with different points of view, but some of you guys just can't stand hearing a different opinion from yours. no blood work to back your claims = no evidence of nothing and therefore just a hypothesis.

Yes, true.. so please post blood work from your last sustaonon cycle pinning twice per week that show that your blood levels did NOT fluctuate.
and i find it funny how just because someone questions something everybody gets all pissed off.

suddenly i dont know what test is because my sides in one cycle were different from the other one? not sure i get your logic..

i appreaciate good discussions, with different points of view, but some of you guys just can't stand hearing a different opinion from yours. no blood work to back your claims = no evidence of nothing and therefore just a hypothesis.

Blood work is subjective. It isn't always true. Scienific knowledge of how long certain ester will stay in the human body is proven. Just because you "feel" a ceratin way doesn't make it optimal.
The only one getting pissed is you op. You started this thread. You asked questions. Now your all pissy about the answers. Your contradicting yourself a lot too. Makes you look like you dont know what your talking about...
Blood work is subjective. It isn't always true. Scienific knowledge of how long certain ester will stay in the human body is proven. Just because you "feel" a ceratin way doesn't make it optimal.

so where does the hypothesis of 'pinning sustanon twice a week = fluctuating blood levels = more sides' comes from? and why does a good 95% of the people in here agree with it?

do you agree with it just because some older poster in this forum made the (unbacked) claim? do you usually agree and spread information without having seen any proof of it?

unfortunately i did not take bloods during my last cycle nor in my first one. so i can't confirm or deny that test levels fluctuate, but then again i'm not the one making any claims.

all i've got is anecdotal evidence and i can tell you that i felt fine during my sustanon cycle pinning 250mg twice a week and didn't have a single problem with the sides.

have you considered that maybe test levels do fluctuate but makes no significant difference?

so far any person who follows the scientific methodology would agree with me that the claim is just a hypothesis, not even a theory and much less a fact
so where does the hypothesis of 'pinning sustanon twice a week = fluctuating blood levels = more sides' comes from? and why does a good 95% of the people in here agree with it?

do you agree with it just because some older poster in this forum made the (unbacked) claim? do you usually agree and spread information without having seen any proof of it?

unfortunately i did not take bloods during my last cycle nor in my first one. so i can't confirm or deny that test levels fluctuate, but then again i'm not the one making any claims.

all i've got is anecdotal evidence and i can tell you that i felt fine during my sustanon cycle pinning 250mg twice a week and didn't have a single problem with the sides.

have you considered that maybe test levels do fluctuate but makes no significant difference?

so far any person who follows the scientific methodology would agree with me that the claim is just a hypothesis, not even a theory and much less a fact

Not trying to make enemy's but so true everybody for years just repeats what they read although something as far as peak times i dont argue, but none of us actually know from experience. But to be on the safe side just pinn ed lol..... im not a science fan when it comes to aas because it hasnt been studied enough by real guys using the doses that we actually use. Nothing better than personal experiences and again not talking directly about this subject just overall