Sustanon /EQ(bondenone)/Dbol/Winny


National Champion
Hello there,
im a young male 1.90 height , and 89kgs atm with 11% bf on average .I am training natural 3 years.Won nationals on classic bodybuilding juniors last year
im planning to start a 12 week cycle , and the target is to pack on as much muscle as possible without climbing up at the bf ladder . that means that id want to go at least 99-100 kg(remaining weight after end of the cycle) with 9-12% bf .
My diet is around 5,0-6,0 k calories daily.
As for the training part , here it is below:
Mon >chest ,abs
wed> shoulders,calves,traps
thur> arms,forearms,abs
repetitions range>6-12 with some pyramid sets , and some high repetition ending sets to blow out .
week 1-6 dbol (30 mgs, 40 on peak, will run on pyramid)
week 1-11 EQ (300-350 mg weekly) INJ
week 1-12 Sustanon (400 mg weekly) INJ
week 8-14 Winstrol (350 mg weekly ED ) INJ
Liv 52
vitamin c 2g daily
omega 3 fatty acids
will use pure Larginine as supplement.
This will be my second cycle overall.
One of my thoughts is dropping the dbol because of the bloat ,and sticking with Winstrol (winny) .
Erm one of my main if not the only concern i have ,is , will this 3 month cycle significantly worsen hair structure?(yes my mothers father had hair loss at 45 , like most men :P) ,also will libido be in decent levels?
so , any suggestions on the cycle? :) thanks in advance
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Im pretty sure you'll want to be running EQ a minimum of 12 weeks and really best cycle of EQ is for about 16 weeks, other bros will chime in on this.

And why is your main concern hair loss? You'll be built bro... haha, but it could be a price to pay, ive herd of bros getting special shampoo, or rogaine...
EQ is too low bubba, up it to 600mg for minimum of 14 weeks, 16 is ideal. Also should bump your test up, if you're concerned with bloat look up turinabol. Not a lot of love for Winstrol (winny) on this forum unless you're planning on competing .
@clsmth700 i am competing at juniors as well this year , i am 20-21 y o , i am interested in competing in europe as well mate , as for post cycle therapy (pct) im planning of nolva 2 weeks after last injection in case of gyno , other than that my coach mentioned something of Prignil injections after testosterone , but i couldnt find the drug, he might mispelled it .. EQ for 16 weeks means 5 weeks of EQ more , and 4 Weeks extra of Test , thats killing my budget mate :( i guess i can run eq for 1 week more , same for test (12 eq 13 test)

@vladiT i can run EQ for 12 weeks , and extend test to 13 ( thats how it should be i guess , test exceeding other compounds to balance out ), i googled rogaine , seems expensive bro :P , but imo i dont think that 3 months of your life is enough to lose your hair :S

@ironbutterfly never heard of the dry blows before a workout my friend , but will further search into it !

@3DRanger87 As mentioned before , if i extend the therapy ill be running out of budget unfortunately :( , you are suggesting to up the dossages of test and eq ..

A question guys , dbol is supposed to give me 10% of its gains in muscle and 90 water (and strength ) , what about Winstrol (winny) ? if Winstrol (winny) is supposed to keep me clean or end the cycle being lean , by promoting more muscle than dbol in overall , then it is a wisest choice wouldnt it? what gains should i expect of this cycle?
thanks for your posts :)
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Personaly, I'd wait or find the $$, i know you may not want to do this, but you want to do the cycle right so do it right and wait untill you have the dough.... just my .02

also, dbol v Winstrol (winny), compleatly different, d-bol is going to water you up yes, fast gains but 4 weeks is best, and 6 MAXIMUM is what most will say, Winstrol (winny) will dry you out and rip you up, you gain some size while on Winstrol (winny). Most use Winstrol (winny) for cutting cycle.

I have never tried Winstrol (winny) myself, but know many who have and they love it, makes them sore as F*ck though... i plan to try it for spring cutting cycle
well tbh i dont really care if the results are fast or not , more like if they are real , and if they gonna stay around when i finish with the cycle , most say dbol gains go away 90% , if Winstrol (winny) gonna give me more gains than dbol , (bulk diet always ) , then i shall use Winstrol (winny) , keepin my bf low will save me a lot of work , while on cuttin phase before the show on may/june . what would you choose? dbol or Winstrol (winny) for that purpose? thanks for all your inputs they are all welcome , and helpful
well tbh friend , since i am competing and all , id like to maintain my self in a low bf state , id like to blow up in lbs but also promote vascularity and cutt abs and thighs..
my question guys is , will in overall ,winstrol promote more muscle than dbol ? (as stated above im thinking of dropping dbol and sticking with Winstrol (winny) , but i am not sure )
which compound of the 2 would work more synergistically with the Sustanon (sust) , and the eq , for my purpose?