Bench double your weight?
Im 5'8 170lbs this will be my 3rd cycle. im currently running test e 500mg, deca 400mg and dbol 50mg a day for the first 4 weeks. I'm on week 7 of 12.
Anyways could I run equipoise and deca together?
40mg dbol (first 4 weeks)
400mg deca (10 weeks)
500mg sustanon 12 weeks)
400mg equipoise (12 weeks)
Should I lower the equipoise and deca? Any help would be appreciated! Thanks!!
Anyways could I run equipoise and deca together?
40mg dbol (first 4 weeks)
400mg deca (10 weeks)
500mg sustanon 12 weeks)
400mg equipoise (12 weeks)
Should I lower the equipoise and deca? Any help would be appreciated! Thanks!!