Sustanon, Masteron, Trenbalone A


New member
Here is what I'm planning on running.

525mg/wk of Sustanon pinning every 3 days for 20 weeks
500mg/wk of Masteron E pinning every 3 days for 10 weeks
25mg of Tren A EOD for the last 10 weeks

Any opinions? here was my last cycle

Kalpa Sustanon 525mg/wk every 3 days for 16wks
Kalpa Masteron E 400mg/wk every 3 days for last 10 wks

I saw incredible gains and lost a ton of body fat. Everyone told me I was on steroids.

I ran 40/40/40/20/20 nolva for PCT and recovered very fast. I was actually hornier on pct than on cycle. I'm taking 3 months off then starting again.

Any advice on TREN A? I dont want to do a crazy dose, and with the anabolic strength of tren i think its a good starting point.

I have arimidex on hand.

What about pct? should I run clomid and nolva for pct ?
I'd run the same pct u did last time if it worked for you. I've ran kalpa before without issue.
Your tren dose is low. At least double it. You could make good gains on 300 mg/week especially the first go. U may want dopamine agonist on hand like caber or prami if you haven't ran a 19-nor yet. Smart to use tren a the first run with tren
I would lower your dose of test, and up your dose of Tren 75mg eod, and up the dose of Mast to at least 600 . The test is just there as a base, let the masteron and Tren work their magic
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I would lower your dose of test, and up your dose of Tren 75mg eod, and up the dose of Mast to at least 600 . The test is just there as a base, let the masteron and Tren work their magic

How long should i run my tren A and masteron? Should i run them at the same time or stick to my plan of first 10 wks of mast and last 10wks of tren A? Also how would you dose the test weekly?

Thanks !!
How long should i run my tren A and masteron? Should i run them at the same time or stick to my plan of first 10 wks of mast and last 10wks of tren A? Also how would you dose the test weekly?

Thanks !!

definitely run them together ! as for the test, it would be best to use a single ester like test E, that way you only have to pin it once a week.
with the sustanon, you could just pin it EOD along with , and in the same syringe as your Tren. 75mg eod of test is all you really need as a base
Mast-another one that was not really used when " I mattered". lol

Ya ll got such a damn buffet to choose from nowadays....sigh...
Ok thanks for the help. the only problem is I have 5 bottles of Kalpa Sus 350. I did a bulk order, so unless I can sell them and buy some test E its looks like ill be pinning e2d or eod with sus.
Ok thanks for the help. the only problem is I have 5 bottles of Kalpa Sus 350. I did a bulk order, so unless I can sell them and buy some test E its looks like ill be pinning e2d or eod with sus.

your pinning your tren Ace every other day anyways .. so just pin the sustanon along with it, keep it simple.
I would lower your dose of test, and up your dose of Tren 75mg eod, and up the dose of Mast to at least 600 . The test is just there as a base, let the masteron and Tren work their magic

I have been thinking about running anavar at 60mg/day for 6-8 weeks at the beginning of the cycle, would this be ok to run? or should I wait until next cycle to throw in an oral?