Sustanon, Tenbolone, Oxymethalone Cycle


New member
I will be starting a new Cycle tomorrow.

Week 1-4 Oxymethalone 50mg day
Week 1-10 Sustanon 250mg eod
Week 1-8 Trenbolone A 100mg eod

I will be running Arimidex at 0.5mg day

Also HCG 1000iu Week

PCT i use 20mg Nolvadex, 20mg Clomid and 25mg Proviron twice a day for 30 days. Has worked well for me in the majority of gains and minimalcrash.

Also I will be running hGH at 2iu day. I have been running hGh for 4 months now.

I am 25 years old and have done 8 previous cycles. This will be my first cycle with Oxymethalone.

I am 202lbs, Body fat is 14%

I am looking to get to 230lbs and then Diet down to 6-8% body fat

Any help and advice on this cycle would be appreciated and i will post pics and blogs.