Sweet potato juice


Hello all. So, about a week ago I watched a documentary titled "Fat, Sick, and Nearly Dead". It basically follows this fat guy aroung while he goes on a 60 day juice fast that turns his life around. It had lots of interesting fact about the benefits of juicing. Since then, I have went out and bought my own. I use carrots, spinach, kale, grapefruit, strawberries, apples, blueberries, broccoli, and of course sweet potatoes. I hate sweet potatoes. My question is, does anyone have a clue as to whether or not I could sub sweet potato juice for sweet potatoes in my diet to get the good carbs? If so, how much juice to replace a six oz potato?
juicing is awesome.... i dropped my BP dramatically by cleaning up my diet, eating whole , unprocessed food & start juicing. i was up @ around 160/100-110 and brought it down to pre hyper tensive really fast. like with in 2-3 months. i juice carrots, alot of celery, radishes, apples (w/out skins because i dont buy local or organic) but i have to say that these 2 things are what really made the difference: beets & hibiscus tea. my Bp is now in the normal range. the only downside to juicing, is it takes so damn long to get everything ready & wash everything afterwards.